XV: The Orphanage

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       The first thing I noticed when we went outside, after gawking at the beautiful, gigantic building, was the children.

    They were everywhere. All spread out. Different ages and different looks, all busy doing someone. Some were playing, some were reading, and the little ones where being carried and walked around by the people who I guess are in charge of them.

    Harry walked in shortly behind me, he stayed behind for a couple of seconds to put back the gun I had taken out of his glove compartment.

    "Mary?" Harry said, as soon as he walked in. As soon as the words left his lips a little girl sitting besides the window turned to look at the door, and the grin that was brought to her lips could've lit up the world.

   "Harry!" She squealed, and all eyes turned towards the door.

   Next thing I knew we were surrounded by children, who were all shouting his name and trying to get a grip of the man who had brought me here. If I was confused before, I was beyond that now.

    I'm not stupid though, S&T obviously means Styles and Tomlinson, which meant they own the place. What I was confused by is Harry's capability to.. be decent.

   When I was doing my research on him, all the information I had learned from him pointed him as an killer. And merciless asshole who stood for nothing and killed for sport.

   The past few days though, I had noticed that maybe he wasn't as crazy as everyone pointed out to him. But I never thought I'd use the word kind as an adjective to describe the man.

   He ruffled some of their hairs and hugged them back. "Hey you guys!! How's everything? Matt, love the haircut! And Emma, heard about the straight A's, your prize should be arriving soon!" 

  He sounded completely different when he spoke to them. He was no longer, Harry Styles, mafia dealer and smuggler. I didn't even recognize him.

   "Is that your girlfriend, uncle Harry?" One of the very little ones approached me. He looked to be around three and he came to stand in front of me.

   I kneeled down, and took his hand. He had beautiful brown eyes. "What's your name?" I smiled, completely forgetting about the question he had asked.

  "I'm Kyle!" He said with a giggle, and I laughed.

   Harry looked at us, he had a little girl on his back and another one on his arm.

    "No, she's just a friend Kyle." He replied with a sly smile, his eyes not meeting mine. Kyle frowned.

  "But she's pretty, why is she only your friend?"

I was the one who laughed this time.

    "Hey bro, how are you?" One of the bigger children walked towards Harry, and they did this little cute handshake.

   "All good Jonas, how's the dog? You taking care of it?" 

    "Of course." Jonas replied, and then he turned to look at me and winked. I couldn't help but smile. "Kyle is right. Your friend is very, very pretty."

    Harry ruffled his hair and gave him a playful nudge. "I'm sure she prefers her men eighteen and older."

   Jonas never took his eyes from me. "I'm almost there." He winked, yet again.

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