XXXIII: Before the Storm

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The days thereafter were heaven for most of us. Harry and I got closer and closer as the days passed and so did Eloise and Liam, although they feared that when Eloise's parents returned they would oppose to their relationship. My father and I also got the chance to learn more about each other, and he would sometimes join during our training.

The trainings intensified, and although both Harry and my father insisted I stayed away from the battle that looked from the horizon I told them it was in my nature to fight, and now that I had something... now that I had people to fight for there was no way I was backing down.

Kai always tried to get his way with Louis, but it seemed as if the more he tried the further Louis got. Instead he spent his energy in making it known that he did not like me, which I reciprocated when we'd go up against each other while we trained. Harry thought it was amusing, but every time Louis tried to "break his way" through me I'd show him I could take him down with a finger.

Damien was still a prisoner, but he had constantly asked to join our team in grant of his freedom and I think my father was starting to consider it. After all he had so much valuable information about Felicity and what her next moves would be.

Without notice six months had passed, and everyone knew the attack would come soon, so we worked harder and harder to master our techniques. That also meant that today, Stella and Eloise's parents would return, and I knew she was more worried about that than our possible doom.

I sighed, leaning back against Harry's hands as he applied soap to my back. It was our thing now that after training for hours we'd get in the tub together and enjoy each other's company.

"What do you think they'll say to you when they see you?" I asked— things didn't exactly end right according to Eloise after she explained that Harry and I were indeed not brother and sister.

He pressed a kiss to my shoulder, and I leaned back pressing my back against his chest. "They'll be pissed of course," he said, "But I'm sure they'll understand Eloise and I aren't meant for each other."

"What if they threaten to pull away their investments?"

"They can't they're under a contract. And even if they do," he started, wrapping his arms around me, "There's no way I'm letting them get between us."

I closed my eyes, humming to the sound of the soft piano music I had downloaded into my phone. He knew it relaxed me so he suggested we played it when we were in the tub.

"Do you think... if I hadn't come into the picture you would've married her?" I couldn't help but ask.

"The plan was to always have you in the picture, Kat. I just never planned I'd have such a crazy attraction to you." He explained, "But to answer your question... if If came down to keeping their support in ending this war I would've married her. But we both would've been unhappy, Liam was in the picture and at the time so was Stella for me."

"So you had feelings for Stella at one point?"

He laughed, "No... it was never like that I just had a physical attraction to her."

"But you said you had a physical attraction to me... isn't that the same thing?" I turned my head to look at him.

"Baby, no, my attraction to you didn't just stem from your incredible looks. It was everything about you, your strength, and wit, and kindness."

I pursed my lips, he was too good for me.

He leaned over, pressing his lips to mine for a short second and when he pulled away he pressed his forehead to mine. "I have never in my life felt this way for anyone. I love you with everything I have."

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