XVII: Unspoken

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                        If I had to admit I had any special talents, I would honestly and with all my heart admit my speed was always on time. Countless of times I had accomplished missions and saved my crew with my ability to do things fast. So when one of the men, whose guns were pointed at us approached me, my hand went to the place where I knew for sure most people like us kept our knives - hidden under our belt. And so when my hand found his and I twisted it, nearly breaking it, my other hand which now held his knife, went immediately to his neck.  The blade less than an inch away from breaking his skin.

    His gun dropped to the floor in the same second, and the other guy yelped in surprise. "You drop your gun, motherfucker! Or I will cut his aorta and make you swallow his fucking blood." I said in pure anger. The other weapon fell, and I motioned to Harry to pick it up.

       "On the floor! Now! Both of you!" I yelled, and Harry passed me the other gun.

   Oh how the tables had turned.

  "Did D send you? Huh?" Harry spat in anger, gun pointed at one of their heads.

   "He just wants the girl!" One of the guys spoke in a deep voice, and before I knew it, Harry's foot was in the guy's face.

    "Well you tell him he's going to have to try harder. Fuck!"

I knew Harry was merciless, but the way he bent down and grabbed one of the guys by the collar, and began to beat him took me slightly aback. The other guy looked like he wanted to do something and I aimed my gun directly at him.

   "You." Punch "Fucking" Kick "Tell him." Punch. "To come." Kick. "Get her." Punch. "Himself!"

   The guy was nearly drowning in his own blood, "Harry that's enough." I told him. But he didn't stop.

"He's going to have to try a lot harder!"

"Harry stop! You need him for information!"

"Stop you piece of fucking shit!" The other guy piped in,

"Chiudi la bocca! (shut your mouth" I approached him, and hit him in the face with the back of my gun. He passed out, and Harry stopped beating the other guy, who also slumped to the ground.

   But before Harry could speak, another set of guns were being pointed at us. A lot more, actually.

   One of the guys had a mask though, and from the inside I could see the hatred and eyes in his blue eyes. "No need to pass that message along, old friend. I'm here to claim back my girl.." He grinned, pearly white teeth in display.

And then his eyes turned to me. "Katerina." He said, deeply, his eyes gazed into mine.

    "You can't fucking touch her." Harry growled, moving forward but one of the guys grabbed his arms before he could even take a step.

   I was so confused. "What the fuck do you want?" I spat angrily at the masked man, and another guy walked behind me and held my arms back.

  "Oh dearest, Harry hasn't told you? Has he?" The man laughed, and something about his laugh pulled on my heartstrings.

  "Told me what?" I turned to look at Harry, who was surprisingly just quietly and quite angrily glaring at the masked man, who I can assume is D.

   Before he can begin, we heard multiple gunshots afar, and the men with D all turned to face where they were coming from.

  "They must of figured out we're here. We have to take the girl and go." One of the men who was holding muttered.

   "You're right. Let's go. Kill Styles and let's get going." D spoke, hatred laced in his voice. He approached us, and when he was in front of Harry who still hadn't said anything he backhand slapped him, before grabbing his face in one hand.

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