XXIII: Dinner

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      Composing myself after what I had just witnessed took time. I sat in my room for about half an hour pondering how it had all come to this. I never, ever thought that I would have feelings for Harry. Part of me claimed that it was all physical... that I just yearned for him in my bed... but if that was the case then why was I feeling like this?

Like I didn't belong.

Because you don't! Dumbass, he kidnapped you for God's sake! It's all physical.

Maybe all I had to do was get him out of my system... and this will be over...

A loud knock on my door took me out of my trance. "Ms. Wild, everyone is waiting for you at the table." Rosa, one of the maids called, her thick spanish accent laced along her words.

I won't lie, I was also thinking about the various excuses I could make to get myself out of the dinner, but atlass, I came to the conclusion that I am Katerina Lorraine Wild, and I am not afraid of anything, or anyone. So while keeping my head up, I went to the dining room where everyone was already in place. There was only one spot left, in between Eloise and Stella.


They were all surprisingly submerged in their own conversation, Eloise was talking to her parents, while Stella, and not like I expected anything else, was talking to Harry. My fist inexplicably clenched at the sight, but I nevertheless smiled, and took my seat.

"Goodnight everyone," I greeted, same fake smile plastered on my lips.

"Kat! I was waiting for you." Eloise gushed, as if the events that she saw less than an hour ago had never happened.

"Now that everyone is here, we can start the dinner." Karl spoke, giving me a wide smile. "I hope you're feeling better sweetheart."

"I am, thank you." I curtly said back.

The first course came in, some sort of greek salad, and the awkwardness in the room faded slightly as we all looked at our food.

"But Harry.. Wouldn't it be easier if you traded from points UK16 and AU89?" The conversation began to fade for me, and I began to play with my food for much of the night. I only spoke when I was spoken to, which wasn't much, Chelsea did ask if I missed home... and I told her I did.

But deep down I knew I didn't. This was home now.

Harry also seemed quite uncomfortable for the rest of the night, with Karl questioning his every strategy and suggesting ways I knew Harry would never take.

For some seconds though, he'd turn his head towards me, and when our eyes would meet he'd look back at Karl.

Frustrating, I tell you.

We were on the dessert, when I finally heard something that actually piqued my interest.

"So Eloise finally decided the wedding date." Chelsea began, a smile forming quietly in her features.

I looked at Eloise in slight shock, which I honestly couldn't mask anymore. But after shyly looking at me, she turned to Harry. "I wanted to do it this summer. Maybe by the end of August?"

Harry appeared even more shocked than I was, and I could tell he was avoiding look at me. "Isn't that too soon, darling?" He replied, a bit forced.

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