XXXII: Amore

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Dark Times

Song: I Want to Know What Love Is — Amason (put that shit on repeat)

Get ready for the most feels of your life

*This chapter contains sexually explicit scenes*

Chapter 32:

It was like the end scene of one of those romantic comedies my mom and I used to watch when I was in high school. One of my hands was out the window of the beautiful Ferrari I was in, the other grasped on to his as if my life depended on it, fingers laced in mine and everything while the radio blast some music from a CD Harry had told me he had never taken out of his car. The wind, along with blowing my hand blew my hair back, and every once in a while Harry would turn to look at me with this smile. That goddamned smile that sent me into frenzy and made me turn to look out at the palm trees in slight embarrassment of a type I had never felt before.

It was like the end scene of a movie except the credits were never going to roll and this was my reality. I was so lucky. And I guess he felt so too when he drove right into the side, almost entering the sidewalk and parked right behind another expensive car in a whiff, making me put my hand back in an instant and smack him in the arm.

"Harry!" I scolded, giving him a dirty look.

He laughed, "What? We're here."

I had thought the island belonged to Harry... or well I guess my father only but the presence of plenty of other car and people surrounding what seemed to be a boardwalk told me I was wrong. It did take us a while to get here though, so that meant we were far from whatever society this was.

"We rarely come out here since this is where plenty of celebrities and other... influencers of the world like to hide. Some recognize us, some don't, but tonight I don't care." He told me, before exiting the car and before I could do the same he was by my side helping me out.

"I could handle that myself, you know?" I told him with an 'obviously' smirk, which he returned when he closed the door and interlaced his hand with mine.

"I know." He said, bringing our hands to his lips and giving the back of mine a kiss. "I just want this to be the best date you've ever had."

We began to walk on the boardwalk, and I immediately got enticed with the lights hanging from the wooden posts that kept us from the water. A couple of people passed us by, none giving us a second look, they were all just following the loud music which was at the end of the walk.

It seemed to be like the entrance to an outdoor restaurant, but outside of them were many tents with merchants selling jewelry and games and it was overall a beautiful scene.

"It's the only one I've had." I told him without importance, breaking away from my trance at the scene and giving him a simple smile.

He looked taken aback, "What? I don't believe that."

"I'm serious." I told him, shaking my head 'yes'. "Well there was this one guy who took me to prom, back when the war full on started but it was prom so that's not really a date and we had to be evacuated because of bomb threats."

"What about after that? Didn't you have a thing with Zayn... and Damien? I think?"

"Yeah... but we never got to that step and... I guess we'll fully talk about Damien later." I told him when we had approached all the activity. In the first tent I saw there were people clapping and others playing instruments while a couple danced to the salsa.

Harry noticed me looking and grabbed my hand, leading me to the crowd of people and into the center were the other couple was dancing, with a hand around my waist he spun me around and pressed me against himself.

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