VIII: Scissors

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Dark Times

Chapter 8

Song: Your choice

Katerina L. Wild

THERE WHERE ONLY A FEW TIMES where I could honestly and truly say I was curious about finding something out. I wasn't much of a curious soul, just a very hard, realist one.. Finding answers just seemed like a waste of time. Until Harry spoke of love, of course.

Not that his love life interested me or was any of my business in any way, the curiosity rested on who, a person like Harry Styles, characterized as a ruthless drug and gun lord, could possibly fall in love with.

Was she also a drug lord like him? Perhaps the daughter of one of his clients... Someone he couldn't reach? Or someone completely opposite of him, sweet and innocent and.. Caring.

I wondered.

I really did.

And I meant to ask, but when the small door opened revealing Harry's guard, I knew we wouldn't have time, it was time to fight.

I was about to crawl out, when Harry's hand stopped me and he pushed me back, "let me, don't know what could be going on out there." He warned, and I scoffed.

"As if I am scared of some ridiculous men who can't use a gun correctly. That including you, of course."

He turned to look at me, "I can guarantee I know how to use a gun ten times better than you."

I laughed, genuinely, this time, and pushed him back before adding, "and I eat bullets for breakfast." Before crawling into the opening.

"Wouldn't be surprised." I heard him mutter behind me.

We crawled for a few minutes, until we came out on an opening, still underground, and much more bigger.

It was lit by a torch, hanging from the wall. There was a ladder, leading up to some sort of sewer opening.

This was way more spacious than the other side.

"Are you kidding me? We could've been here, with more room, the whole time." I exclaimed, rolling my eyes at the men trying to get us out.

"And we also could've gotten caught more easily." Marty's guard murmured, while the others ignored me and got to work.

"Do any of you have signal here?" Harry asked, taking his cell phone out of his pocket. I sighed and sat down by one of the torches.

I wanted to throw some shade. "If you hadn't taken mine I would've told you."

Harry gave me a sharp look but turned back to his phone. "Never mind I have one bar." He announced, before dialing and pressing the ear to his phone.

"Paul. We were attacked. No. Marty's hideout. Send a helicopter, we'll be alert to when you arrive, and send some men."

Harry's face was surprisingly calm as he spoke, and I then realized this probably wasn't the first time he had been attacked, nor the first time he had been down here.

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