His Bubblegum Klutz by CJustMe

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A/N Stoopid long summerys ahhhhhhh

You're standing in your favourite ice-cream store with your favourite flavoured ice-cream.

Then out of nowhere, as you turn, you bump into someone and spill all the delicious contents of pure bubblegum all over a jacket- a leather jacket to be precise. You're obviously infuriated because the idiot got in your way, or maybe you got in his way , and just as you open your mouth to yell at the person- you see who it is. Instead of yelling, you blurt put the next couple of words on impulse, "Your eyes are the colour of bubblegum!"

To make yourself look like a complete moron in front of someone is something, but to make a fool out of yourself in front of Jay Taylor is another thing altogether.

He lifts his face to see who bumped into him :Bubblegum out of all flavours? Really?" he asks with one eyebrow raised as he interrogates me on not only my choice of flavour, but my way of life "I hate bubblegum" He mutters under his breath as he shakes his head at me and turns to walk away, but being my impulsive self i just have to yell "Its a felony to hate bubblegum"

He stops dead in his tracks at my words and when he turns to face me head on with a deadpanned glare, it dawns on me that maybe i could of gotten off with ruining the bad boys jacket without any consequences, but instead i just had to open my mouth.

He leans forward until i feel his breathing against the side of my ear, "Its not a felony to hate bubblegum, but it is a felony to destroy someone else's property and that includes my jacket, as in my property."

I take a step back in cowardly fear and it seems to amuse him further. I watch as he takes off his jacket and throws it in my face, "Clean it up bubblegum klutz and bring it to me tomorrow- same place same time."

My review: This book review was requested/suggested by Khan2602. I read rather quickly whic is why i read this story in less than a day.

The first thing you should know is that this story is freaking 64 chapters long and if that isn't dedication then i don't know what is. Any way, onto the story. I liked some of the characters, surprisingly i like Mason, i liked (In the beginning) his relation ship with Aqueela and there banter between them while claiming to hate each other. Aqueela her self was very interesting, though she did annoy me at times. Bell was a good character, i really like that she was popular while Aqueela wasn't because usually they are both "Weird" or both popular and it was refreshing to see something different. I liked the friendship. (I have literally just finished the book so all my thoughts are fresh). Now onto Jay, honestly? I wasn't the biggest fan of him, i liked him at times, but he always seemed to be yelling at Aqueela. Jay was an intresting character, but my thoughts on him are still mixed. I wont review every character because there is so damn many. I really liked the first 30 chapters,they were entertaining jam packed and just interesting. The following 30+ pages seemed a little lackluster. Its not a bad book, i did enjoy it (Which is why i am reviewing it) But i want to be completely honest.

My rating: 7*/10* 


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