First Kiss *Pictures*

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*Short Disclaimer: I don't own any of these photos, and I'm sorry, but I don't know the owner of them or I'd give them credit. I hope you enjoy this preference. 

Scott: Cute...

You were hanging out with Scott in his room when he kissed you. You were laying on his bed with your head hanging off the end, while Scott was rubbing your feet. You were just talking and having a good time. Scott had left to get food, so you sat up and repositioned yourself. When Scott came back he sat down and you sat in between his legs, continuing to talk or eat. You were in the middle of talking when Scott leaned around you and kissed you. When you asked why he kissed you, he said that it was all he could think about and he couldn't focus on what you were actually saying.

Stiles: Awkward

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Stiles: Awkward...

To say that the first kiss you and Stiles shared was awkward, would be putting it lightly. You were talking about it and you both agreed that first kisses were always subpar and awkward. So, you decided to just get it out of the way. And when you went in to kiss, you bumped noses. You attempted to kiss each other about ten times before you finally did. Every time one of you would laugh or just back out because of how awkward it was. When you finally kissed it was just a peck, but it left both of you wanting more.

Derek: Heated

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Derek: Heated...

You were watching a movie with Derek in his loft when he kissed you. The character in the movie had said something about the lack of passion behind first kisses and you mentally agreed with it, or so you thought. At the end of the movie, you were getting ready to leave when Derek pulled you into an extremely heated and passionate makeout session. You were left stunned and his only response was that he didn't want you to have a disappointing first kiss with him.

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