How You Learn About the Supernatural

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Scott: Stiles let it slip...

You were hanging out with Stiles, while waiting for Scott, and he let it slip. He assumed that you already knew because you'd been dating Scott for a couple of months. You had to make Scott prove it to you and after he did, you were upset that he didn't tell you before.

Stiles: Isaac told you...

You and Isaac were best friends, but it was still a little shocking for Stiles when you casually brought up the supernatural world. You explained to him that Isaac told you about everything a couple of days after he'd turned. Which made him kind of glad that he wasn't the one who had to break the news to you.

Derek: You got caught in the middle of everything...

Peter liked to step in on your relationship with Derek. He often interrupted dates or casually walked in on private moments. After about 2 months of dating Derek, Peter approached you with what seemed like an innocent conversation. Derek walked in slightly annoyed with Peter for always trying to intervene in your relationship. They had a heated argument, which ended in both of them turning and attacking each other. You ran to Derek's room terrified of the man you were dating.

Liam: You were already apart of the supernatural world...

Liam was new to the whole being a werewolf thing, so he wasn't aware of how to use all of his senses to his advantage. Therefore, he had no idea that you were also a werewolf. After 2 weeks of dating, Liam told you everything about the supernatural world. After his 30 minute explanation of what he was and his reasoning behind why you shouldn't freak out. You simply responded by showing him that you were also a werewolf.

Aiden: He didn't like keeping such a big secret from you...

Aiden told you after only dating you for a week. He didn't think it was necessary to keep such a large aspect of his life from you and you found it amazing that he trusted you so quickly.

Isaac: You hung out on the full moon...

Isaac had already learned how to control himself on the full moon, so he thought it would be fine to go on a date with you. Halfway through the date, things started to get a little heated between the two of you and by the end of the date you were making out in Isaac's room. Isaac was unaware that he wouldn't be able to control himself in this situation on the full moon. You saw his eyes glow yellow and you made him explain everything to you.

Peter: He tried to change you...

Peter was still an alpha when you found out about everything supernatural. Peter say you down and told you everything, of course he provided proof as well. After he calmed you down, he offered to change you. He explained that he needed a pack member and that being a werewolf came with quite a few advantages.

Theo: You could only remember always being apart of the supernatural world...

You don't have much memory from before the Dread Doctors took you. All you could remember was your name, birthday, age, and a few random family memories. Theo still had to tell you about all the different kinds of supernatural creatures, but it was something that you lived with for most of your life.

Brett: He told you after Liam turned...

Brett was nervous to tell you about the supernatural world, but when Liam turned he wanted to tell you for your safety. Even though Liam had never hurt you before, Brett was nervous that his IED combined with him being unable to control himself would result in you getting hurt. So, he told you about everything including your brothers recent transformation.   

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