What You Steal From Him

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Scott: His shirts...

You always steal Scott's shirts. You love how large and soft they are. Scott pretends to be angry, but he loves to see you walking around in his clothing.

Stiles: His flannels...

You love to wear flannels, especially when they belong to Stiles. They always smell like him and Stiles loves to see you wear them.

Derek: His leather jacket...

Derek has the tendency to randomly leave for a couple days with little to no warning. You understand why he needs to get away sometimes, but it still gets to you. So, you started to take one of his leather jackets when he disappeared. They reminded you of him and it comforted you to have something of his close to you.

Liam: His jersey...

You were so proud of Liam. He was the best lacrosse player at Beacon Hills and you thought that was amazing. The boys all got an extra jersey, in case they lost theirs and you stole Liam's extra one. You wore it everywhere. To school, to games, and even on casual dates. Liam never minded either, he was happy that you were so proud of him.

Aiden: His motorcycle keys...

You loved Aiden's motorcycle. You loved it so much, that you'd often take his keys and take joy rides without him. When you'd get back, Aiden would be too worried about your well-being to care that you stole his motorcycle.

Isaac: His sweatpants...

You are a sweatpants and t-shirt kind of girl. So, of course, you steal all of Isaac's sweatpants. They are big and soft and they remind you of him, so you love them.

Peter: His v-necks...

Peter seemed to have an endless supply of v-necks. So, one day you started to hide them. You loved the way he looked in them, but it got a little old. He never seemed to notice they were missing though because when you threw one away, he had 50 other exactly like it to replace it.

Theo: His hoodie...

You liked to steal Theo's hoodie because it was incredibly cozy and it smelt like him. He didn't mind because you've been doing it since you were kids and he liked how it looks on you.

Brett: His basketball shorts...

You loved to wear Brett's basketball shorts because they were cozy. He was only bothered when you forgot to give them back, but he never got angry with you. 

*Disclaimer: Short rant, you can totally ignore. 

So, I wrote this preference already and it was probably one of my best. I had pictures and everything was perfectly edited and it was as good as I could've gotten it... and... I. Deleted. It. ... I was so annoyed with myself, but I rewrote it and even though it's not at all as good as it was before. I still hope you enjoy this preference.   

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