Jordan Parrish 1-5

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*Disclaimer: I don't own this photo and I don't know the owner, therefore I can't give them credit. * 

Where/How You Met:

In the woods...

You were jogging through the woods when you tripped over a tree root. You were belting out a string of curse words when you heard chuckling behind you. You tried to stand up, but immediately fell back down. An incredibly gorgeous human being walked up to and offered their help. After explaining they weren't a creepy person and introducing themselves as Jordan Parrish, you accepted his help. He put your arm over his shoulder and wrapped his arm around your waist and helped you walk back to your car. He offered to drive you to the hospital and you were about to reject, until you saw his squad car.

How They Ask You Out:


After taking you back to your car, once the hospital visit was done, he asked you out. He very confidently told you to meet him at the station at 8 for a dinner date. He was nervous that you'd say no because he didn't exactly ask you, but you said yes which made him very happy.

First Date:

Bad timing...

Jordan took you to a cute little diner for your date. You two talked and really got to know each other. You were going in for a good night kiss when Jordan got a call to head back to the station. You were sincerely disappointed that you didn't get to end the perfect night with a perfect kiss, but you got over it.

First Kiss:

Nose kisses...

You had officially been dating Jordan for a week before he kissed you. You were playing around and you kissed his nose, which he responded to by doing the same. He then pulled you into a pretty decent kiss. It wasn't a peak, but it also wasn't anything too much... It was perfect.

How You Learn About the Supernatural:

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How You Learn About the Supernatural:

You already knew...

You had grown up in Beacon Hills were the supernatural was extremely prominent. Everything supernatural seemed to assume that the humans in Beacon Hills were completely oblivious to what was going on, but almost everyone knew about the supernatural.   

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