Where/How You Met

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*I sincerely hope you enjoy this preference and I'm extremely apologetic if you don't. 

Scott: At the veterinary clinic...

You took your aunt's dog to the local veterinary clinic. You were currently visiting your aunt in Beacon Hills and had promised to take her dog to get a check up while she was at work. When you arrived, the veterinarian acquainted you with his assistant and had him perform the check up. Halfway through the check up, your aunt's dog peed on the assistant causing him to laugh uncontrollably, while you apologized profusely. After that incident you and the assistant, which you now know as Scott, started making jokes about what happened and just started to talk in general. When you left the clinic, your aunt's dog had a clean bill of health and you had Scott's phone number.

Stiles: At the grocery store...

Every summer you visited your best friend, Isaac, in Beacon Hills or he visited you in your hometown. You didn't get to see each other much because you lived so far apart, but you always made the effort to at least see each other during summer. This year it was your turn to visit Beacon Hills. Another tradition that you and Isaac had was, whoever was visiting had to bring a Twix bar because you two met because of a Twix bar. So, you were at the local grocery store in Beacon Hills trying to find the candy isle and not having much luck. You bump into a very tall guy and handsome guy while trying to find your way. He introduces himself as a "Stiles" and walks you to the candy isle. After finding out who you were there to see, he offered to have you follow him to Scott's house because he was on his way there also.

Derek: At the school...

It was your first day at Beacon Hills High and you were nervous as hell. Everyone seemed to be a Greek god and to say you were intimidated would be putting it lightly. You were aimlessly walking around the halls during second period because you it was your free period when you bumped into someone. You tried to apologize, but kept stuttering that you couldn't get a proper apology out. You finally got a good look at the person you bumped into and you immediately stopped talking and admired his beauty. He simply smirked at your awkwardness and introduced himself as "Derek". After you stopped gawking at him, you introduced yourself as well. You two continued to talk, and by the end of the conversation you were questioning two things. Why a Greek god was conversing with you and why he was roaming around a high school that he graduated from years ago.

Liam: At a lacrosse game...

You were attending an away lacrosse game to cheer on your best friend, Brett. You were in the stands cheering him on when Liam Dunbar approached you. You knew of him because he used to attend your school and well, everyone knew of him, but he moved after his little incident and you hadn't seen him since. He sparked up a seemingly innocent conversation and when he asked how you knew Brett, you realized why he was really talking to you. Of course he wouldn't know who you were, you kept to yourself and stayed out of his and Brett's rivalry. When you explained to him that you're Brett's best friend and that you two used to go to the same school he was obviously surprised. Probably feeling like a jerk, he apologized for not recognizing you and left with an awkward goodbye.

Aiden: At a party...

You were what people referred to as "the preacher's daughter". You were seemingly innocent. You were shy, made good grades, never got into trouble, and you were kind to everyone, but everyone knew you had sort of a wild side. You were not only known for throwing amazing parties, but also being the life of anyone else's. Aiden welcomed you to your most recent party as the party's host. Normally, you'd head straight for the drinks and the dance floor, but the host seemed to interest you more than the party. You spent all night hanging out with Aiden and some of the morning.

Isaac: At Beacon Hills High...

You'd always had a slight crush on Isaac Lahey and recently it seemed as though he was getting on everyone's radar. Instead of being the boy that sat at the back of the classroom and stayed quiet. He was louder, more confident, and he was hanging out with the popular group of kids. You were at your locker when he approached you. He looked nervous and spoke with false confidence. Introducing himself and having a conversation with you like it was something he did everyday. By the next bell, he had successfully gotten your phone number, "for studying purposes," and you two made plans to hang out the following weekend.

Peter: At the Sheriff's station...

You were at the Sheriff's station picking up your delinquent brother when you met Peter. Peter was the owner of the car that your brother "borrowed." You approached him first and introduced yourself and proceeded to plead for him to drop the charges. He waited for you to make your case. When you finished he said he would drop charges with one stipulation, you went on a date with him.

Theo: At the Dread Doctor's lair...

You remember waking up being unaware of where you were or who you were. The only thing you could see was a young looking boy in the corner of the room, watching you. He approached you and introduced himself as Theo. He told you what your name was and said that this was your home. You and Theo grew up together as best friends and as the only two successful chimeras.

Brett: At Liam's house...

Liam is your twin brother. And believe it or not, but when you were younger, Brett and Liam were best friends. When you and Liam were 6, Liam brought Brett over for the first time to spend the night. They spent most of the night hanging out with you and playing video games and watching movies. Every Friday night after that for the next 6 years, you three did that exact same thing until Liam and Brett had a permanent falling out. Keeping Liam and Brett separate, therefore you and Brett separate. Unfortunately for you, Liam kept you from seeing not only one of your best friends, but your secret crush.   

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