How He Cheers You Up *Pictures*

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*Short disclaimer: I don't own any of these photos and I'm sorry, but I don't know the owners of the photos, so I can't give credit to them. I hope you enjoy this preference. 

Scott: Flowers and laughing...

Scott will buy you a bouquet of your favorite flowers and do everything he can to get your mind off of whatever is making you sad.

Stiles: He dances for/with you

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Stiles: He dances for/with you...

Whenever you're upset Stiles makes it his mission to make you laugh. He'll start with lame jokes, but eventually he just ends up dancing like an idiot. You can't help but laugh at his antics, he'll even grab you and have you dance around with him.

Derek: He sings to you

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Derek: He sings to you...

Although Derek doesn't have the best singing voice, he knows that his singing will always brighten your mood. It reminds you of your first date and how he asked you out.

Liam: He plays your favorite music

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Liam: He plays your favorite music...

Liam will lay down on the nearest bed or couch and hold his arms out for you. He'll hold you close and play your favorite song.

Aiden: Pillow fight

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Aiden: Pillow fight...

Aiden believes that the best way to get over being sad, is to hit things. So, whenever you're sad he starts a pillow fight. It always ends up cheering you up, but that has more to do with Aiden jumping around like an idiot than you hitting him.

Isaac: Cuddles and I love you's

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Isaac: Cuddles and I love you's...

When you're upset, Isaac will hold you close to him and tell you how much he loves you and leave random kisses all over your face.

	When you're upset, Isaac will hold you close to him and tell you how much he loves you and leave random kisses all over your face

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Peter: Cuddles...

Whenever you're upset, Peter will pull you into him and hold you. He'll occasionally talk and try to lighten the mood, but he'll mostly just hold you.

Theo: He hugs you

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Theo: He hugs you...

Ever since you were little, Theo would hug you whenever you were sad. Even though it was meant as a comforting thing, it always cheered you up. He'd hug you for as long as you needed, sometimes whispering sweet nothings into your ear.

Brett: Doggy cuddles

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Brett: Doggy cuddles...

Brett knows how much you love animals. So whenever you're upset, Brett will get all over your pets and bring them into your bed to cuddle with you. They instantly put a smile on your face and made you forget about all your problems. 


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