How They Ask You Out

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* I'm sorry if this is bad. I'm not in love with all of them, but I don't find them horrible. So, I hope you don't either. 

Scott: Simple, but effective...

You and Scott had been talking for about two weeks when he asked you out. It was late at night and you were skyping, per usual, when he asked you. You were discussing movies that you both wanted to see when he asked if you'd like to see a movie with him. You agreed, completely missing the hint at it being a date. He then clarified the date aspect of the event, which made you flustered, but of course you agreed.

Stiles: Accidentally...

You were hanging out with Scott and Isaac when Stiles asked you out. You were in the kitchen making lunch, when Stiles came over. He immediately started talking to Scott and Isaac about how he likes you and wants to ask you out, but doesn't know how. You listened to their entire conversation, without Stiles knowing. Of course, both Isaac and Scott knew because they could hear the skipping of your heartbeat. You walked into the living room, without Stiles seeing you. Scott then suggested that he practice asking you out. After Stiles did, you responded with an "Of course, idiot."

Derek: Uncharacteristically...

Derek is perfectly described as "sourwolf." Everyone refers to him as this, and for good reason. He doesn't seem to like anything, he always seems to be in a sour mood, and he never smiles. Except when he's around you. Something about you makes him brighten almost instantly. So, it came as a shocker to everyone, when he asked you out by serenading you with your favorite song.

Liam: Obnoxiously...

Since Brett was your best friend, he wouldn't like the idea of you and Liam talking... let alone dating. So when Liam got your phone number, you kept your constant conversations a secret from Brett. And when Liam tried to pursue something more than a platonic friendship, you shut him down immediately. Of course you liked Liam spending time with Liam, but you didn't want to risk your friendship with Brett for him. You told Brett about everything and he was surprisingly okay with it. So, after weeks of Liam consistently asking you out, you finally said yes.

Aiden: He didn't...

You asked Aiden out. After learning about the physical side of Aiden, you were intrigued by the emotional side of him. From the small amount of talking you two did, you could tell that there wasn't much that he cared about. But you could also tell that if he did care, he really cared about whatever it is. So, you asked him out to learn more about him and you weren't sorry that you did.

Isaac: Geeky, but charming...

You were studying with Isaac when he asked you out. You could tell what he was trying to do, well before he did. You were in the middle of studying, when he started to get really nervous and bashful. It took him awhile before he finally found the confidence, and you were glad he did. He had previously written out note cards saying "Will you go out with me?" He handed you the note cards and even though the were out of order, you grasped what he was trying to ask you. He blushed seeing the mistake he made with the order of the cards, and he decided to just ask you. He stared at you for a couple of seconds before sighing and saying, "Look, Y/N. I've liked you for quite some time now. And it'd be a great pleasure if you'd go out on a date with me."

Peter: Casually...

After agreeing to go on a date with Peter at the Sheriff's station, you gave him your phone number. That night you received a text from Peter with the details of your date, that was scheduled for the following weekend.

Theo: Awkwardly...

Having grown up together, you and Theo were basically inseparable. You did everything together, including watching each other grow into young adults. It was inevitable that one of you would like the other one. So, it was totally shocking when Theo asked you out on your 15th birthday. What was shocking was how nervous and awkward he was. For as long as you've known Theo, he was always very calm and always had his cool. But when he asked you out, he was a wreck. He was stuttering, mixing up his words, and staring at the ground the entire time because he was scared you would laugh in his face. Of course you said yes, which boosted his confidence and he was back to being his cocky self.

Brett: Secretly...

You and Liam were twins. Which made it even harder to keep a secret from him. He's been by your side through every moment of life, and you've been by his. But for the past 3 years, you've been keeping a pretty large secret from him. You and Brett were still best friends. And you were about to keep an even bigger secret from him. It was Brett's birthday and you went to y'all's secret meeting place. After you gave him your gift, you accidently admitted that you liked him. He returned the feelings and asked you out. Of course you would have to date in secret though, because your entire friendship didn't exist to anyone, but you two.   

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