He Likes You, But You Like Someone Else

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Scott rolled his eyes as you continue to fawn over Jackson, "I don't get what you see in him, Y/N. He's a pompous jerk." "You only think that because you don't know him very well, Scott." "He's dating Lydia. Shouldn't that be reason enough to stop liking him?" You gave Scott a dirty look, "Look. You don't have to be a jerk about it. I know he's in a relationship. I'm not going to do anything about my crush. The heart wants what it wants, and right now my heart and my brain are telling to walk away from you. So... Bye."


You're sitting on Stiles' bed when you pose the question, "Stiles, do you think I'm pretty?" "What?" "Do you think I'm pretty? Like... Would or do guys like me?" "Um... I don't know. Yeah, you're totally pretty, but I'm not sure if any guys like you. Why? Did you hear that a guy likes you? Which guy?" Laughing off Stiles' mumbling you continue, "I was just wondering what you thought. I like this guy and I was just wondering what your standpoint was." "You like someone? Who is it? Do I know the lucky guy?" You laugh nervously, debating on whether or not to tell him. "Yeah... You do know him. Theo." "Theo? Theo Raeken?" "Yeah, that's him. Wait. You two were friends when you were kids right? Maybe you could put a good word in for me." "Yeah... Sure. Will totally do that..." "Thanks, Stiles," you kiss him on the cheek, "You're the best friend ever." (Me in this situation: Nervously laughs, then dies.)


"I just don't get why you like him, Y/N." "The heart wants what the heart wants, Isaac." Derek walks in, "What are you two talking about?" Isaac rolls his eyes, "Y/N's idiotic crush on Aiden." "Aiden? The straight Alpha twin?" "That would be the one. He's a total asshole to us, and her, for weeks, but now he's changed and the love of her life." Isaac gives you an annoyed look, when you roll your eyes at him. "Oh... Okay. Well, I've got somewhere I've got to be. Bye." You gave Derek a weird look, "You literally just walked in. Where do you have to go?" "Places."


"He's got such a nice bod, damn." "I know." "What are you guys staring at?" Ignoring Liam, you and Mason continue to drool over Brett, who's practicing on your lacrosse field. "Hello? Guys?" Mason notices Liam first, and taps you to pull your attention away from Brett, "What Mason? Oh. Hey, Liam. What's up?" "What were you guys looking at?" "Nothing." "Mason?" "Brett." Liam looks directly at you, "Why were you staring at Brett?" "Because he's hot?" Liam stays quiet, while you and Mason go back to checking out Brett. Both of you oblivious to his hurt feelings.


"Hey, Y/N. Wait up." You turn around to see Aiden chasing after you, so you wait for him to catch up. "What's up?" "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to go to the movies with me this weekend...?" "Like you, me and Ethan?" Aiden was about to reply, but you weren't paying attention and cut him off, "Is next week okay? Scott invited me to movie night with him and Stiles. And... I kind of have a thing for him and don't want to bail. You understand, right?" "Yeah... definitely." "Okay. Well, tell Ethan I'm sorry I can't go."


You were sitting at the foot of Isaac's bed, while he was laying down across it. You waited until you heard Stiles and Scott leaving to ask Isaac what you've been dying to ask him all night. "Lahey, I need advice." Isaac chuckled and sit up, positioning himself across from you and giving you a nod, as to tell you to ask him. "There's this guy..." You chuckled and looked down at your lap, embarrassed at how awkward you're being. While Isaac's heart is beating a thousand times faster than before, hoping you're about to admit your feelings for him. "I like this guy, and I'm really good friends with him. And I'm nervous because I want to become something more with him, but I don't want to potentially ruin our friendship, if he doesn't feel the same way or things end badly." "I think the best thing you can do is be honest with him, it's the best way to address the situation." "Thanks Isaac, I'll totally go for it when I see him next." "Oh? Well, I think the sooner the better. Why don't you do it now?" "Because I want to do it in person, Isaac. And Stiles left with Scott earlier." "Stiles? You like Stiles?" "Yeah. I thought that was kind of obvious." "Right... Of course it was."


You knocked on the door that led to the Hale house, this is it. You were going to do it. You were going to ask him out. You were preparing yourself as you heard approaching footsteps, to be met by Peter Hale. "Hey, Y/N. What a pleasant surprise." "Oh, hey Peter. Is Derek home?" "Uh... No, he's out right now. Do you want me to leave a message for him?" "Just tell him I need to talk to him." "What's it about? If you need help, I can help." "Oh no. I... um... It's personal... I wanted to ask Derek something." Peter nodded his head, and you walked away. You didn't think you gave anything away, but Peter listened to your heart and it told him everything he needed to know.


"Why the sad face, beautiful?" "It's nothing, Theo. What do you want?" Theo leaned against your locker, "I just want to know why someone so beautiful, is upset." "I'm upset, because I always seem to come in second place." Theo gives you a confused look, but looks in the direction you've been focused on and he sees Liam and Hayden together. "Liam? This is because of Liam?" "What no?... Okay, yeah. I've liked him since I met him and she comes out of nowhere and he hasn't even looked my way since." "Date me then." "Haha. Very funny, Raeken." "No, I mean. Fake date me. Best way to get a guy's attention, make yourself unavailable." "Actually... that's not a bad idea. And if I tried to do it with anyone from the pack, they might end up telling him. Well... Raeken, looks like you've got yourself a girlfriend." Theo smirked because now he could make you fall for him and move on from Liam.


"Why've you been spending so much time with that cop?" "Brett, you know his name. It's Jordan." "Right. Right. I forgot. Why've you been hanging out with Jordan so much?" "I don't know. He's... fun to hang out with. And I kind of like him." "You like him? That's crazy. He's like twice our age, Y/N." "He's only 4 years older than us. Not "twice our age". And I'm not saying that we're dating or anything. I just like him." "Shouldn't you focus on someone closer to your own age though? That you can legally date and stuff?" "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous Brett. We're just friends. Chill."


"Get out of here, Hale. We've had enough of your shit for the week." Peter scoffs at Jordan, "Look. I was asked to meet someone here. I'm not bothering anyone. I promise." Jordan rolled his eyes, "Oh yeah? Who would voluntarily hang out with you?" Peter nods his head in your direction as you're approaching them, "Her." Jordan looks at you in shock, "Y/N? Why are you hanging out with Peter? Is there a meeting or something that I should know about?" You clutch Jordan's arm and pull him away from Peter, who is smirking at the situation, clearly amused. "Jord, we're going on a date. Kind of why I'm dressed up, you know?" "Oh... So you and Peter?" "Well, I mean we aren't "me and Peter", but yeah..." "Have fun, Y/N." "Thanks, Jord. Night."


You were standing in your bathroom, trying to decide between two outfits. "Jackson, can you come here for a second?" You heard mumbling and groaning, followed my footsteps, and seconds later, Jackson appeared at the bathroom door. "What's up, babe?" You hold up the two outfits, "Which one?" "Since when do you care what you wear?" "Since I want to look good for someone, asshole." "Who're you trying to impress? Me?" "Isaac... Lahey. You know him right? He's on the lacrosse team. He said he'd be at the party tonight and I want him to notice me." Jackson nodded his head and didn't speak. "So, which one?" "Huh?" "Outfit, Jackson. Which outfit?" "Oh, um... The red one. He'd be an idiot if he didn't notice you in that one... Or any other clothing really." "Thanks, Jacks. You're the best." 

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