Chapter 5

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It's A Shakespeare Thing

Chapter 5


I woke up at two forty seven on the couch. I sighed to myself. Ryan or Cassio could have woken me up. My neck was sore from lying on it the wrong way. I shuffled up the stairs and peeked in Cassio's room before heading to my own. I smiled to myself once I saw that my younger brother was peacefully sleeping. I went to my room and crawled under the blankets drifting almost instantly back to sleep.

"Ugh!!!" I groaned as I sleepily got out of my comfy bed.

I trudged down the stairs and into the kitchen. I had to do a double take when I saw Cassio sitting on a barstool at the counter eating a bowl of CoCo Puffs. After a few seconds of me starring at him he finally acknowledged my presence.

"Morning Ray." He greeted me in a sleep filled voice.

"You're up early." I replied.

"Yep, gotta finish out my punishment." Cass sighed then hopped down from the stool and rinsed his cereal bowl out before putting the dirty dish in the dishwasher.

I watched as my younger brother walked out the kitchen door and over to Asher to get his instructions for the day. To say I was shocked by his behavior was a huge understatement. Cassio was never one to do something on his own. Mom was always complaining about how she had to ask him to do something at least a few times before he would do it. Shaking off the rest of my shock I made my way back upstairs to take a shower and get ready for the day.

An hour later I was sitting in the kitchen eating when I heard my phone ringing upstairs. Knowing it was either Ry or Mom and Dad I made a dash for the stairs. I answered the phone just before it switched over to voicemail.

"Sweetheart, is everything ok? You sound as if you're out of breath." Mom's concerned voice flowed through the speaker.

"No Mom, everything is fine here. I just had to run to answer the phone because I was in the kitchen eating and my phone was in my bedroom." I explained.

"Oh well, that's a relief." Mom sighed.

"How's your trip going?" I asked curiously.

"Oh sweetie it's absolutely breathtaking here." Mom gushed.

"That's awesome Mom. You should send me some pics whenever you get a chance." I told her.

"I should, shouldn't I? Anyways the reason I called is your father and I have decided to stay another week for my birthday as well." I could just picture Mom cringing on the other line waiting for me to explode.

"That's great Mom! You and Daddy deserve this vacation. You two need some time to yourselves without us kids." I told her honestly.

She and Daddy were always working or spending time with us kids so they never really had time for one another. If anyone deserved a vacation it was them. They were always concerned about someone else rather than themselves.

"Really sweetheart. Honestly, I was waiting for you to lose it on me for leaving you with your brothers for an extra week." Mom replied.

"Don't worry about it Mom. I just want you and Daddy to enjoy your time away and relax. Speaking of Daddy, can I talk to him? I miss his voice." I asked.

"Of course sweetie. Here he is." I could hear Mom handing the phone over.

"Hey there princess." Daddy greeted me with his usual pet name. I was his only girl and needless to say I was a daddy's girl.

"Hey Daddy. I miss you." I confessed.

"Awe, I miss you too princess. How are you? You holding the fort down ok, or do I need to give your brothers a good smack on the head when I get home?" Daddy asked in a joking tone, but I knew he was serious. If he found out Ryan or Cassio were pestering me he would get them when he got home.

"No Daddy. They're behaving. Cassio has actually took an interest in manual labor. The contractor you hired was generous enough to let him volunteer for the rest of the week." I chuckled at my fabricated story.

"That's great! At least he's taking interest in something other than girls. I swear, between him and that twin brother of yours I'm going to be gray headed or hairless before I'm fifty." Daddy chuckled.

"They'll find someone one day. Just look at you and Mom. You guys played each other before you actually got together." I pointed out defending my brothers. Yeah, I hated the way they treated girls, but they were your stereotypical guys.

"You're right princess. I just hope they settle down sooner than I did." Daddy confessed.

"I'm sure they will Daddy. Have a little faith in them." I told him.

"You have such a huge heart Desdemona. I hope the lucky man that falls in love with you knows how blessed he is." Daddy said, his voice filled with emotion.

"Daddy, you're getting soft in your old age." I laughed as I wiped a tear away. Leave it up to Daddy to say something sweet.

"Yeah, yeah, don't remind me. Well princess, I could sit here and listen to your sweet voice all day, but your mother is all but dragging me out of the cottage to go snorkeling." Daddy joked.

"Ok you two have fun and I love you both." I sighed not wanting to hang up.

"We love you too! All of you!" Both my parents yelled into the receiver before hanging up.

I sat on my bed looking at my phone. I missed them so much and they were going to be gone for another week.

"You ok sis?" Ryan asked as he sat down on my bed beside me.

"Yeah, that was Mom and Daddy. They're having such a great time that they're staying another week." I told Ry as I swiped a few tears away.

"I miss 'Em too Ray." Ry hugged me and pulled me closer as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Something's wrong with Cass." I changed the subject.

"Oh really, and why do you say that?" Ryan chuckled.

"He was up before I was and plus he put his empty cereal bowl in the dishwasher without being told to." I looked up at Ryan to see a shocked look wash over his face.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Ryan asked with a mischievous smirk.

"Well duh, it had to have been aliens. Because there is no way Cassio would do what he did on his own." I played along.

Ryan let out a booming laugh as he released me from his hug and stood up.

"Come on sis." He held his right hand out to me.

"Where are we going?" I asked curiosity taking over.

"You and I haven't spent a day together just the two of us in a while. I figured we could use some twin time." Ryan shrugged.

"We haven't had twin time in a while have we?" I confirmed.

"Nope, so I'm twin-napping you for the day. " Ry smirked at his newly made up word.

"What about Cassio?" I questioned.

"I'm sure Asher and Scott will keep him busy." Ryan answered.

After talking with Asher and making sure that our younger brother was taken care of, Ryan and I headed out for our twin time.

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