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June 28, 2018

Victoire's PoV

I had almost done it. In a few days I would graduate as Valedictorian. I had practiced my speech many times, and I was going to run it by my brother, Charlotte, and Jeremy tonight. Everything was a rush for me. I had just finished my last dance recital a month ago, and Pentatonix were one of the many in the crowd. Avi cried when he realized I'd done Light In The Hallway for my last solo. Everyone else cried when I did On My Way Home for my last group dance. 

With that out of the way, I still have to pack up everything to move. It was a bittersweet moment, for sure. I was going to move away from my friends and family and jump right into my new life. After I've graduated that is. 

I hit my alarm and drug myself out of bed for almost the last time. It was Tuesday and I graduated on Friday. I still had a bunch of things to do at the school. I got dressed quickly and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I glanced at the clock. Makeup would have to be quick. I quickly applied concealer, mascara, and bright red lip stain. I yelled my goodbyes at my parents and hopped into the passenger seat of my brother's car. 

"Why don't you ever drive?" Andrew asked as he climbed into the driver's seat. 

"It's your car," I protest. 

We arrive at school and immediately head in separate directions. I had to help with yearbook upstairs and Andrew had to get ready for a pep rally later today. 
"Vic, we need those predictions from all the Seniors," The editor of the yearbook told me.
I cursed loudly and grabbed my notebook and pen. "Briley, you're with me." She grabbed her book and pen and raced out the door with me. It took us two periods, but we eventually got all of them. We walked back to the yearbook room and I went to work typing everything up. Some of them were very funny. 

"I predict that Katheryn will murder 18 cats, all accidentally." 
"I predict Ryan will die alone with nothing but his lifelong subscription to Netflix." 

I saw one about my brother and almost cried laughing. "I predict Andrew will go to college with a marching band scholarship but be forced to end his career after a tragic sprained ankle." 

There were even some about me. 

"I predict Victoire will somehow dance for the president. How? Beats me."
"I predict someone will become famous (other than Victoire)." 

"I predict Victoire will be the first to move out of Oklahoma and immediately adopt 3 cats."
I finished typing them and quickly added mine to the end. "I predict Jeremy will marry someone he met at a bar and adopt a baby and two dogs." 

With my addition, the yearbook was complete. The editor sent it off to be published as we were called to the Pep Rally. The band played, including my nerdy brother, and the cheerleaders performed stunts. Jeremy walked over to me and wrapped an arm around me. "I'm going to miss you when you leave." 

"I'll miss you, too. Keep me informed on all your love interests," I said wiggling my eyebrows. He laughed and let go of me. 

"Same to you."

July 1, 2018

We were having an awards ceremony, since it was the last day of school for us. I have to admit a few tears threatened to fall as I accepted my trophy for winning Valedictorian. My dream had come true and everyone here witnessed it. Afterwards, I made my way outside, leading the class for our last walk out the school doors. Parents were there and I spotted mine at the end of the walk. I wrapped my arms around them and they hugged Andrew and me for what felt like forever. 

When they let go, I found my old teachers. I hugged my photography teacher, Mr. Adams, for a solid minute. "You better come back and teach these kids some real skills," he told me. 

"I promise," I said with a laugh. I hugged the rest of the teachers and eventually found Charlotte and Jeremy. 

"Are you crying?" Jeremy asked. 


"Then what's this?" Charlotte said as she wiped a tear from my eye. 

I sighed and wrapped them both in a hug. My parents took plenty of pictures of us. Then, we got one all together. Even my father was teary-eyed. I stayed for as long as I could, before we headed home so Andrew and I could get ready for graduation. 

Mom fixed my hair and I even let her do my makeup. "I love you, Mama," I said. She sniffled a bit. "I love you, too, Baby." 

I put on my cap and gown over a fancy red dress Mom and I picked out. I had on tall black heels that made me almost as tall as my Dad. When Andrew came downstairs, I saw he had on a red tie. Mom got tons of pictures. 

Finally, it was time for graduation. Mom parked the car and we walked onto the football field. Graduation wasn't set to start for an hour, so I sat with my parents and grandparents. All of a sudden, Dad covered my eyes. 

"What are you doing?" I asked with a laugh. He finally let me open my eyes and Pentatonix was right in front of me. I jumped up and threw my arms around them. "You came!" I cried. 
"We wouldn't miss your graduation for the world!" Kirstie argued. Even Jeremy, Esther, and Darien came out. 

I had to go shortly after. They needed me present, being Valedictorian and all. I sat in the first seat and went over my speech in my head. Graduation started and they called me up to the stage. 

"Friends, Family, Guests, we are so glad that you could all make it today. On behalf of the class of 2018, I'd like to thank you." I rambled into my speech and eventually got to the end. Everyone clapped and I took my seat. The Salutatorian made a speech as well, and eventually we were called to receive our diplomas. After that, the band played, joined by the graduating seniors. Andrew definetely cried. I did as well. We also sang our Alma Mater, led by myself and the Salutatorian. 

Then, was the part we all were waiting for. We tossed our caps in the air. We made it. We graduated.

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