Cruisin' Part 2

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September 26, 2018
Kevin's PoV

We finished eating lunch and decided to check out our rooms. We managed to get through the hoards of people and make it to our rooms. Avi's and my room was connected to Victoire's by a door. Avi and I opened the door to find a little room with two beds, a bathroom, a closet, and a desk. It even had a porthole! Avi and I both rushed to it and took photos. We decided to check out all the other rooms. Victoire had one much like ours, but with the two beds pushed together. Everyone else had a setup like Vic's.

It was time for the ship to take off and we had to do safety checks. We made it to our muster station and talked among ourselves. Everything went according to plan. We decided to split up. "We're getting drinks," Mitch and Scott said, highfiving.

"There's a teen lounge on deck 8, I believe," Victoire said. "I'm almost too old, though," she said with a laugh. Victoire was only 16. She was born in January but was moved up almost two years because she was so smart. She even claimed Valedictorian being so much younger than everyone else. Her brother was smart, as well. He made it up to the same class as her.

"Want me to walk you there?" I asked.

"Sure!" she said happily.

"There's a musician somewhere around here," Kirstie said, grabbing Jeremy's hand. "Text us!"

The two ran off, as well as Mitch and Scott.

"I'll go, too," Avi volunteered.

The three of us got on an elevator and went to the teen lounge. Victoire turned around and gave us both hugs. "Bye guys. Love you!"

"I love that kid," Avi said.

"Me too," I agreed.

A man was handing out schedules and I took one, thanking him as I did so. "So today there's a comedy show at 9 and 11, and karaoke at 7 and 11," Avi told me.

"When's our dinner plan scheduled for?" I asked.
Avi looked at his key card. "It says 6."

"Wanna do karaoke at 7 and comedy and 9? We could probably see the comedian both times, it says the 11 is for adults only."
"Sounds good."

Avi looked at the paper again. "There's a singer in the main lounge. Wanna check it out?" I agreed and we took the elevator to the 4th floor. We each ordered a drink from the bar and then listened to the musician, soaking in the gentle melodies.

Victoire's PoV

I walked into the teen lounge and found an empty seat. A few girls came up to me before too long. "What's your name?" a girl with long black hair asked.
"Victoire," I replied.

"I'm Maria," she said, sitting beside me. "This is Sadie, Lucy, and Jenna."

The girls all waved, except for Jenna who did finger guns. We made small talk for a while. "What grade is everyone in?" Jenna asked. She had curly brown hair and a thick country accent. "I'm in 10th."
"I'm in 11th," Maria said.

"9th," Sadie replied.

"11th," Lucy said.
"I'm supposed to be going into 11th, but I graduated last year."

"That's neat," Jenna replied. My phone buzzed

Dinner's at 6. You'll want to change clothes before - Esther

I looked at the time. It was almost five and I wanted to get a shower. "I've got to go."
"Was that your mom?" Maria asked.
"Um, it's a long story."
"Well, tell us when you come back. You are coming back right?" Sadie asked.

I nodded. "I'm going to karaoke at 7 and comedy at 9, but after that I'll be here."
"Hey, same with me!" Jenna replied.

"Cool! I'll see you there then."

I went back to my room and took a quick shower. Esther, Kirstie and I had all gone shopping before hand for dinner clothes. We were on a meal plan that required dressy outfits every night, but a formal dress on the third night. I grabbed a blue dress out of my closet. It was a short sleeveless dress with a sweetheart neckline. I pulled it on, noticing it exposed both of my scars. I sat down at my desk and did my makeup. When I was done getting ready I laid in bed. It was pretty comfortable and I was about to fall asleep when it was time for dinner.

We all met in the hallway. The boys were in cargo shorts and shirts. Darien and Jeremy's shirts matched Kirstie and Esther's dresses. Esther was in a white dress with a patterned neckline and a skirt that puffed out slightly. It fell at her knees. Kirstie was in a grey dress that went up to her neck. The back was tied together from her hips to her neck. They both looked stunning.

We walked to dinner together. We showed the waiter our cards and he led us to a huge table the seated 14. 5 people were already there. We filled in the remaining seats. I was seated near the end of the table. There were two men, two women, and a boy about my age. It appeared to be grandparents, parents, and the son. We looked at our menus and ordered shortly after.

"So, introductions?" The father asked. We all nodded. "Well, I'm Sam. This is my wife, Jacqueline, and this is our son Asa. These are my parents, Barb and Derrick."

We all waved. Avi introduced all of us. "Those two are Scott and Mitch. I'm Avi, and this is my sister Esther and her husband Darien. That's Kirstie and her husband Jeremy. That's Kevin, and that is Victoire."

We made small talk, pausing to eat our food. The family was very nice and Brad was pretty amusing. He and Jeremy were joking the entire time, causing all of us to crack up. A photographer came around shortly after we finished the main course. I took a picture with Avi and Kevin, who I was seated between.

After dinner, Kevin invited us to go to karaoke. We all agreed and went to the lounge. Kirstie and Jeremy were the first to put their name on the list. "The band should sing something," Esther proposed.

"Background music!" Scott exclaimed. "What a crazy idea!" We all laughed. The band signed up to sing "A Thousand Years".

The band's names were called and they walked up to sing. You could tell they were struggling a bit without an arrangement, but it was gorgeous and everyone applauded fiercely. "You should sing one, Vic!" Esther exclaimed.
"No, I can't sing," I said.
"No one cares," Avi said. "I'll sing with you."

I agreed.

They called our names and we went up, singing a song with a low melody, which I took. I could always sing lower than higher. We returned to our seats and everyone was smiling. "You're a lower singer!" Kirstie exclaimed.

"Just like Avi!" Mitch added.

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