Album Release

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September 20, 2018
Victoire's PoV

It was the day of the album release and we were going to a party and then coming back home. Scott and Mitch had to make a new Superfruit album release video and Avi and Kevin were going to make a new video for their channel, MeatandPotatoes. They were planning on doing a medley with Kirstie in it. The party was kinda formal, so I put on a short blue dress, a leather jacket, and heeled boots. I straightened my hair and grabbed my camera. I could walk down the stairs now. My leg was almost fully recovered. I sat on the couch, taking test photos. Avi and Kevin walked downstairs together. 

Avi was in a black suit with a kind of lacy pattern on it. His hair was down and it looked really nice. Kevin was in a sharp blue suit. It really suited him. I grabbed my bag and got in the back of Kevin's car. We walked into the venue to see Kirstie being interviewed and Scott and Mitch dancing with each other. Other people were here, dancing around. We had sold tickets to this event and they sold out very fast. Everyone was aching to see us and ask us questions and we loved meeting them. Victoire took pictured of the event. All of a sudden, one of the slow songs from our album came on. Jeremy immediately grabbed Kirstie and kissed her. She giggled and the two started dancing. A little girl came up to Kevin and asked him to dance. I could see her parents in the corner laughing and snapping pictures of the ideal. Scott and Mitch were dancing with each other. 

Avi grabbed my hand and pulled me over to him. I wrapped both arms around his waist and put my head against his chest. He spun me a few times and I smiled as bright as the sun. The song ended and I went back over to Kevin and started dancing crazily. Scott and Mitch slow danced for half the night. When it was time to go home, the album was released and at the top of the charts. It had five stars! 

Kevin and Avi had been working on this medley for a while, so they just had to record it. It took about 8 tries before we had it down. I hugged Avi and Kevin. "I'm going upstairs to edit this. I'll probably go to sleep right after. Goodnight, guys." They called back their good nights and I made my way up the stairs. I sat at my desk and began cutting away everything I didn't need. The video turned out very good. They don't upload until Friday, so I didn't have to worry about that. I crawled into bed and fell asleep. 

Bang. Avi was shot. 

Bang. Kevin was shot. 

Bang. I was shot. 

I hung onto consciousness long enough to see the man put the gun in his mouth and shoot himself. 

I woke up screaming for help. These dreams were far less common now, but I still occasionally had an episode. Kevin ran in and consoled me. He eventually calmed me down and I went back to a, thankfully, dreamless sleep. 

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