Light In the Hallway

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July 28, 2018

Victoire's PoV

"Okay, Vic, today's the day. You get to go home!" The entire band was here and there were balloons everywhere. They had signed me up for physical therapy twice a week. I had begun to get some feeling back, but not a lot. Right now, I was in a wheelchair because I couldn't be supported by my shoulder, which I also could barely feel.

"Goodbye, Victoire!" the nurses called as Scott wheeled me out of the hospital. When we reached to car, Scott helped me out of the wheelchair, careful to not touch my shoulder or leg. I got into the passenger seat of the car and put on my seat belt. Kevin drove us home and helped me back into the wheelchair. It was a process.

I gasped when I saw the 'Welcome Home' banner in our living room. All the band was there, as well as Ben Bram, Darien, Jeremy, Esther, and Kirstie's puppies. Olaf ran up to me and I wrapped my arms around him. I loved dogs!

Scott introduced me to Ben, who they worked with. They had told him about my situation and he was very concerned. They hadn't worked on any songs for the new album, so they'd have to tell the fans why soon. That was a worry for another day, though, because for now I had the struggle of going to bed.

"You look tired, sweetie," Esther said. "Do you need help getting up to bed?" I nodded. Esther helped me up the stairs and into my bedroom. I gasped. Kevin and Avi had put together my bedroom! It was perfect!

"My bedroom!" I gasped. "Will you tell them I say thank you?" I asked.
"I'm sure they'll come up to tell you goodnight, sweetie," Esther responded.

Since I could only completely function two of my limbs, I had a hard time getting undressed and dressed. So, I didn't plan on wearing pants. Kirstie, Scott, and Mitch had went shopping for me to get some dresses and nightgowns, which was very helpful. I wiggled out of the shorts I was currently wearing and was left with my shirt.

"Do you need help?" Esther asked kindly.

I sighed. "Yes."

"I won't look," she said.

Esther helped take my shirt off and put on a nightgown. I then crawled into bed and got into a position that didn't hurt. Esther hugged me. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I responded before she left the room.

Avi and Kevin came in a minute later. "Goodnight, Vic," they both said. They both kissed my forehead before turning off my light.

I fell asleep instantly.

The stairs thudded as the heavy man walked up them. He saw me.

I gasped for air.


I called for Avi.

I called for Kevin.

I woke up screaming. My limbs were heavy and I couldn't feel any of them. My eyes weren't connecting what was real and what wasn't. I was gasping for air when Avi grabbed my wrists. I could faintly hear him calling my name. I was sobbing. I slumped into his chest and he rubbed my back.

I was in full panic mode. Not even Avi could snap me out of it. Avi eventually sat in the bed beside me and pulled my head against his chest. Kevin was there, too. On the phone with someone.

I heard Kevin's voice. "I know it's scary, but nothing bad is going to happen to you."
"What color shirt am I wearing?" he asked.

"Blue," I responded weakly. Avi rubbed circles on my back.

"What color is the ceiling?" he asked.


"What color is your hair?"

"What color is Avi's shirt?"

"Breathe with me," he asked. He counted to ten and then down to one.

After breathing slowly I was beginning to feel better. "How do you feel" Kevin asked.
"Okay," I responded.
"Okay enough to talk to Mitch? He's on the phone."

I nodded. Kevin handed me his cell phone. "Hey gorgeous, how ya feeling?" Mitch's voice rang out.
"Pretty trashy, honestly."
"Well, you did fantastic. I'm proud of you, Hun. I know it's hard."
"Thanks. Goodnight, Mitchy."

"Goodnight, babe."

I handed the phone back to Kevin. "Would you like us to stay?" Avi asked.

I nodded fiercely. Avi helped me get back under the covers and laid down beside me, Kevin laying at the foot of my bed.

"Will you sing" I asked.

"What would you like?" Avi asked.

"Light In the Hallway."

Close your eyes, lay your head down.
Now it's time to sleep.

May you find great adventure, as you lie and dream.

There's a Light in the Hallway, so you'll know I'm here.

You are not alone.

You are right at home.


I fell asleep to the hushed singing.

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