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July 4th, 2018

Victoire's PoV

I woke up to a loud crash. "Avi?" I asked, my heart jumping into my throat. When I didn't get an answer, I tried to fall asleep. Once again, there was a loud crash. I grabbed my phone and slowly got out of bed. I turned on the flashlight and walked through the hallway. I heard another crash, which convinced me this wasn't all in my head. I had circled the entire hallway and decided to descend the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and was convinced nothing was downstairs either. It was only my second night in this house and houses always creak. 

I made my way upstairs and opened my bedroom door. Before I could climb in bed, something grabbed me. Their hand covered my mouth harshly and I couldn't scream for help. It was obvious that this wasn't Avi or Kevin. 

Someone had broke into our house. 

"Put up a fight and a bullet's going straight through your skull," the voice said. My heart stopped. I was about to be kidnapped. Tears were streaming down my face and I could barely see when I heard another door open. Avi walked out to see me being pulled down the stairs by a robber/kidnapper. 

Unluckily, my captor heard the door as well. "Take one step and I'll shoot her," he said. I stared at Avi, my sight almost completely blinded by tears. There was a gun pressed to my head and I was about to pass out. 

"What do you want?" Avi asked. 

"I want all your money, or the girl. She'll sell very nicely." 

"Just do yourself a favor and leave now. Hand her over and we won't chase you out." 

"Why would I do that?"
"Because you'll be in every news outlet. When word gets out that our daughter was kidnapped, our fans will make sure the media gets attention." 
"Sure they will." 

At that moment Kevin emerged from his bedroom, arms raised in the air. "Please, sir, let her go." 

"One more word and I'll shoot her!" he yelled. My heart was beating out of my chest. I was sobbing. I could barely connect what I was seeing to real life. 

"Sir," Kevin said. 
I felt the gun move quickly from my head to my shoulder. A loud bang went off and a sharp pain hit me. I yelped but it was muffled from his dirty hands covering my mouth. "Victoire!" Avi screamed. Kevin was doubled over. Pain exploded through my body. I was sobbing harder and couldn't feel many of my limbs. I was being fully supported by the stranger. 

Suddenly, I heard sirens. "Call them off," he said. 

"I don't have my phone on me," Kevin said, showing his hands. 

The man dug his finger into my wound. I cried out in pain. It felt like my body was on fire. I started shaking and gasping for air. 

The man grabbed my phone off the floor and threw it at Kevin. "It's locked." 
The man uncovered my mouth. "Tell him the password or I'll shoot you again." 

I gasped for air, unable to breathe correctly. I heard a loud bang and crumpled to the floor. My veins were liquid fire. I could feel the bullet going through my leg. "STOP IT!" Avi shrieked. Kevin was bawling, unable to speak. 

I screamed in pure pain. Nothing had every compared to what I was going through right now. I heard steps and a body hit the floor. Muffled voices were coming from every direction and I felt myself being lifted onto something. Before I could comprehend what happened, I blacked out. 

July 7th, 2018

When I woke up, cords were attached to me in many places. A monitor was tracking my heartbeat and another was tracking something I couldn't comprehend. I looked down at my leg and saw a ton of stitches. The rest of the skin was bruised badly and I was very pale. I tried to look at my shoulder, but a wave of pain hit me and I screamed. Nurses rushed in and gave me a shot of something which quickly made me lose consciousness. 

July 17, 2018

The next time I woke up, Kirstie was sitting in a chair across from my bed, reading a book and chewing on her nails. "Kirst?" I asked quietly. It was barely audible, but I got a major reaction. 

Kirstie rested her head on her hands and let out a sob. "We thought we were going to lose you!" she cried out. 

"It was just through my shoulder and leg," I said drowsily. 
"Yes, through your left shoulder," she pointed out. "Which can kill you. And you lost a ton of blood. We lost you twice."

The news hit me hard. I had died. "Let me call the others really quickly. They were probably sleeping. It's two in the morning, by the way." 

Kirstie talked to the boys very quickly. "How long have I been out?" I asked after a long silence. 

"About two weeks."
Wow. "What happened to the man?" 
"The police shot when they saw he had hostages. He died on sight." 

Esther burst into the hospital room, a robe tied tightly around her. "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry," she cried. They were all instructed not to touch me, so she had to refrain from hugging me. Mitch and Scott both busted in in tears. Mitch was sobbing into Scott's shoulder. Happy tears I hope. 

"We thought we lost you," Mitch cried out. 

"We haven't got anything done in two weeks. Kevin and Avi refuse to leave the house. They think it's their fault." 

"It's not," I choke out. "If they weren't there I would most likely be sold off to someone or dead." 

Avi and Kevin came in next. They were sobbing. I wanted to hug them, but my limbs were on fire. "It's not your fault," I said gently before my eyes drooped shut. 

Bright lights stung my eyes. I groaned and opened my eyes to see a nurse checking my vitals. "Oh! Good morning, dear. Your family will be right in immediately."

When she left, very familiar faces walked in. Mom, Dad, and Andrew walk in.  

"Fancy seeing you here," I joked. 

"Two days," Dad said with a sigh. "Two days." 

"It could've been worse," I said. 

"She could've gotten even uglier," Andrew said. 
I laughed and Mom smacked him on the arm. "Not as ugly as you are," I replied. 
We talked for a while before they had to leave. They had a plane booked for tomorrow because Andrew had a big assignment due and Dad had a report he had to give. 

Next to see me were Avi, Kevin, Esther, and Darien. "Darien!" I exclaimed. "I haven't seen you in forever!" He laughed and waved. "Esther, gorgeous as always," I said. "Avi! You are looking especially pale, my friend, but I think I have you beat." My skin was white from all the blood I'd lost. "And Kurvy! You are looking great as ever!"

They all smiled, relieved looks very clear on their faces. "So what's the deal with all this," I said, gesturing to myself. 

"Well," Kevin started. "They stitched you up and have been regulating your vitals for the past couple of weeks. You'll be ready to go home when you can function correctly without the drugs. I nodded. 

"They've got me on some pretty good numbing stuff. I can't even feel my leg." 

Everyone's face got visibly paler. "You're scaring me."

"The doctors say you may be paralyzed from your knee down. The bullet hit a nerve," Esther said sadly. 
"Wow," I said quietly. I tried to brush it off. "I'm sure I'll be fine."

Turns out, I was not fine. 

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