Chapter 6 Witch Watch

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We come across a quaint town and in the square, what seemed like a small wooded stage with a pole. A crisp breeze blows the hair out of my face, the breeze smelt of moss and wet grass.  "What are we doing in Salem? and in the year 1692? While using very obvious  magic stuff?" I questioned. " The reason is not a what but a who," Alexander actually smiles and not a sarcastic I'm-Holier_thou smile a real happy smile. Liz immediately wishes to tarnish it," Hey are you high seriously why are we here? I don't think this that much safer than the 1700's we should go somewhere else." Alexander Still smiling gestures," Ye of little faith, she is why we're here. " A short woman with dark curly, black hair and dark brown eyes, wearing a violet dress and white shall draped over her shoulders, with a white rag wrapped like a headband around her head, walks along the bridge excitingly toward us. She then goes into a run and Alexander sprints to her as well, Alexander reaches her and spins her around in his arms, I feel a twinge in my heart as I see this. they speak to each other, but to far from my ear I all I do is see," Hey can you hear what they're saying?" Liz asks, Nathan answers," I am sure that if Claire could hear them she would inform us instantly. Is that not true Claire?" I turn from Alexander, and look at Liz and Nathan," Yes if you can't hear them how am I supposed to?" Liz lifts her finger ready to point out the error I had to have made," Um actually, you always get a higher score in your hearing test, ha!" I sigh ," Liz last time we had hearing tests together we were in 8th grade, and how would you know my scores those are private, never mind you got your mom to find out didn't you?" Liz nods," Mmmhm I mean she has the whole social services thing and she did live with you for a while as your legal guardian it was just too easy." I raise an eyebrow," Um, why?" She responds," I used to make it my business to be better than you at tests when we were little, it was what made me so good at school, and  when I found out that I couldn't improve my hearing then  I gave up on that and became the tolerable know-it-all I am today." I opened my mouth ready to ask her to define tolerable, but Alexander spoke and I quickly turned around," This is Catherine she's-" i cut him off in hopes of changing the answer, " Your sister, right?" Alexander and Catherine begin to laugh, " No this is my beautiful wife, Catherine." Catherine nudges him," I am hardly beautiful at the moment I was just running to arrive as fast I could, however I appreciate the thought dear, oh and I apologize for the appalling signs everyone here is on witch watch." he wraps his arm around her waist. Wife I think he's married? He doesn't seem married, i see his hand and I notice what I hadn't seen before, he was wearing a ring.There they stood before me, Man and Wife.

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