Chapter 17 A Day Late and a Dollar Short

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The bullet hit the bookshelf above Liz, whose eyes glistened. She blinked once allowing the tears to escape her eyes and stream down her face She ran her hands along her body checking for any holes. When she realized she was untouched an audible breath left her.

To the left of us, we saw Clark in his dog form growling ferociously at his brother who was pinned to the ground. Adam tried forcing his brother off of him, obviously trying not to hurt him the process. When Adam began to wiggle out from under his brother, steam began to emit from Clark's skin and he began to shake. The short hair of the Doberman fell to the ground and his paws nearly tripled in size. The ears became pointy and shaggy fur sprouted upon his skin, he had turned into,

"BEAR!" I shouted out of sheer shock, Alexander's eyes fluttered at the sound of my cry, he tried to stand but wobbled. Clark let out a roar signaling us to move. 

The sound rumbled the floor I was standing on. Causing Alexander to fall, I went to help him up, but he gestured me away. He got himself up but swayed from side to side like a drunk guy. He focused himself and his eyes glowed the neon green I had begun getting used to. As his hands began to light up he tried to throw an acid ball at Adam as Clark moved off, but missed so horribly he got the window instead. Adam took the opportunity and got to his feet, eyes still a dark violet targeted onto Alexander. With a flick of his finger, a chair flew at Alexander. He narrowly dodged it and began to breathe deeply while staggering toward Adam. Clark roared once more and stood on his hind legs making him even bigger than he already was. As Alexander got closer to Adam I noticed he was not just glowing on his hands anymore the green light had begun to radiate throughout his upper torso, his shirt began to melt away as the glow got brighter, Adam tried backing away and kept making things fly at Alexander but each time it would touch him, the object would melt. 

Adam was backed into a corner, Clark put his giant paw on his brother's chest, immobilizing him. Alexander still glowing began to strut not at his usual pace, but a strut toward Adam, a smirk across his face. He ran his finger gently across the curtains and they all dissolved as soon as his fingers grazed the fabric. Alexander got within a nose's distance from Adam, 

"You have lost, accept it, nothing is worse than a man who can't admit defeat" Two voices came out of his mouth, Alexander's was one but there was another, deeper voice underlying it. The words enraged Adam causing him to fling his arms, pushing Clark to his back, he let out a hurt yelp, Alexander on the other hand was pushed into a bookshelf which dissolved upon impact.

"Pitiful" Alexander spit on the floor, and threw a ball of acid at Adam's feet, the floor below him began to liquify and I could see the cellar 10 feet below him. Adam hung by his hand onto the leftover wood board, Alexander sauntered over to him and looked down at Adam, he smiled,

"You have no honor, and that is something no one can fix" Once more with two voices, Alexander moved his hand to dissolve Adam's face Clark let out a roar, and I screamed,

"NO!" Alexander's eyes lost their glow that instant, and he looked at me, frightened. He began to wobble backward, when I went to catch him, I realized I had set a table on fire, the flames quickly contaminated the several wooden bookshelves then the wood paneling. Before I knew it the room was an inferno. 

"Liz run, let's go!"  Liz peeled the door open with all of her might allowing Clark to run on all fours while morphing back to a human. Alexander and I stumbled out the door as soon as we could, once out of the house Alexander dropped to the floor still conscious, but in obvious pain and exhaustion. Clark got up, although completely naked, noticed his brother was missing,

"ADAM!" He ran into the blazing hellscape. 

"We need to move," I said but looking at my companions I have one that can barely stand and another who won't stop shaking. Not great odds, I still was new to travel but I had no clue where to go. So I just sorta dragged Alexander and told Liz to follow to a little white willow tree like the one at Catherine's cottage. Once we reached the shady tree Alexander stumbled away from me,

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