Chapter 15 Answers?

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"And when he left the show it just broke my heart, I was so pissed when they killed him off like I get that they needed to write him out of the show, but why kill him so that he can never come back? What's the point in that?" Liz blathered on about her favorite show,

"I know, I know Downton Abbey broke your heart, get it, Liz! You love Dan Stevens and were really sad when he left" Liz took my reply as an invitation to go on further in her rant,

"But it's not just my love for the beautiful Dan Stevens that makes me so sad it's the fact that the show decided to replace him with a wannabe Mathew Crawley, some stupid race car driver MAry would never marry a guy so beneath her she's too stuck up" 

"Now come, come dear Elizabeth do give poor Mary some credit people mature over time" After hearing Alexander's voice I jumped out of my daze( the one I go into everytime Liz goes on a fandom rant) and noticed him limping towards me, Liz's eyes widen larger than I've ever seen them,

"YOU WATCH DOWNTON ABBEY!?!?!?!" She screamed,

"And once again your dulcet tones, bring oh so much comfort for me" He rubs his ear, "And no to answer your question I do not watch Downton Abbey,-he whispers- especially not after Sybil dies" Liz's smile spreads from ear to ear, and she starts jumping up and down and violently giggles. She ran to him, causing him to grab at his injured side, I giggled and give him a ridiculous look, "Spare me the judgemental glare, I once had to stay at a dreadful hotel for a few months and Downton Abbey was the only show that was half decent on the television which only had four channels, I regret saying anything now" I deviled over laughing.

"I thought you were going to go to sleep" I tried stifling my laughter, "What brought you back? Other than wanting to share your fandom"

"Fandom?-he shakes the thought away- I had merely gone to rest for a bit, I was in need of a pisolino"

"You shouldn't be drinking liquor in your condition" Liz tried a serious voice, but couldn't help smiling at the fact that Alexander Downton Abbey. Alexander smiles,

"Pisolino is Italian for a nap" He leaned on an armchair,

"You've been using more Italian lately, any reason in particular?" I asked

"And that is how I am reminded that we have only known each other a month, pay attention to what I say you shall notice that I utilize my native tongue a lot more than one would assume"

"And you know what they say about assuming, it makes an ass out of you" Liz laughed to herself,

"Anyhow can you tell me about more stuff?" I went on my tippy toes and placed my hands behind my back,

"I suppose so, perhaps you might accompany me into town, we will require sustenance while I recover, which hopefully shall be brisk right matron?" Alexander looked at Liz, she raised an eyebrow,

"We'll see, but the food is a good idea we're all out of what was in the Mary Poppins bag Alexander brought " Liz shrugged, "You guys can go I want to check this place out while I can"

That is out of the question, we must stay together especially you have no way of defending yourself, for all we know you shall be kidnapped and in an attempt to find you Claire and I both die and you are left solely responsible." Alexander frantically waved his arms in the air.

"Alright fine, I'll go with you guys but I'm napping on the way there" Liz sighed dramatically 

"That is quite alright, we would appreciate the silence" Liz jokingly punched his arm, "I shall bring the motor to the front,-he looked around-I do hope I remember where the garage is" Alexander began to walk off when Liz shouted out,

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