Chapter 5, Awakening

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"dude, wake up, come on wakey wakey I can't bakey." My eyes feel as though anchors had been sewn on my eye lids.  Liz tries to make my eyes open, because to her knowledge I was still sleeping( so she wasn't exactly delicate with her other attempt)."WAKE UP BITCH, SHOW ME THAT YOU'RE ALIVE!" She shakes me violently. I let my self go limp, and slowly open one eye," You can make cookies why do  you lie?" Liz sighs,"come on get up, you were acting like a dead person",  I fully open both eyes only to see my normal dorm room in my normal bed no change was made I was in my pj's and I was in the bottom bunk of the bunk beds (since liz called the top bunk). I was filled up to my eyeballs with questions(I understood why my eyes hurt so much now) , questions like was it all a dream?, did a guy roofie me at a party?, did I get knocked out? and if so how? Am I going insane?, "What just happened?" Liz gives me a sympathetic glance," You kinda passed out, and well I did something I don't really feel good about, but  I was under a lot of pressure and I didn't know what to do you looked dead even though Alexander told me you weren't, I was worried about you and I knew I had to get you home, besides we were trying to figure out a way home anyway, and I don't-" I cut here off but she tried to keep on going," Liz,Liz,LIZ!-she calms -You're babbling just tell me what you did wrong before my head explodes," Liz sighs an tries to change the subject," See you shouldn't feel like that maybe I should call our R.A or call 911" I shake my head," NO,NO,NO,NO, that's okay I'm fine really, just shut up and tell me how you fucked up." Liz takes a deep breath," I told Alexander where Nathan was from, and now I see that I didn't think it through." Anger begins to swell in my already aching head," ARE YOU INCOMPETENT!! WE LEFT THAT PLACE WITH A HOMICIDAL MANIAC BEHIND WHAT DO YOU THINK HE'S GONNA DO TO NATHAN?!!

  *This is the first time that I am changing the point of view in the book, in the future when you see the character's name in the stars then it is their point of view, right now it is to Alexander at the beginning of a new chapter, it will resort back to Claire unless written otherwise, thank you for reading and enjoy!* 


 The light of day was dimming, with only the oil street lamps lighting my path walking along with a bumbling buffoon beside me. The man would not stop talking, I was simply attempting how to allow him to forget, at the rate of his incessant chattering I was actually considering just hitting him on the head, and hoping he doesn't forget everything, even then I could just make him disappear, no that's bad, " Listen, I realize that I may be beginning to be a bit of a nuisance," my thought trail was lost, I began to lose patience" A bit? you barely grasp the concept" I roll my eyes, the man scoffs," Do you even have a clue as to where we are, I do not recall allowing you to have the information of the location of my home." I remind my self that he is a civilian, and killing him would be wrong. " Let's just say I have a great sense of direction" He gives me a confused look," Perhaps we should choose a different course, and not reach my home" . At that moment I hear a portal, I turn to face the noise and see Claire and Elizabeth standing right outside it and pointing forward, " WATCH OUT!" they scream I immediately turn and see the man running at me with a riffle I grab his arm and flip him over my back, take his gun and hit him forcefully, and knock him unconscious. The familiar old man laid on the cobblestone with blood dripping from his lip.        


Nathan's father was knocked out cold on the ground, Alexander stood upright holding a riffle and didn't even hesitate to hit him, he looked at us," A friend of yours?" I scoff at his sarcasm," More of an acquaintance" said Liz. Alexander goes straight to his point," I have a few problems to discuss with you two, first how did you get here? When I first crossed your path you seemed to have no information about the locket." I take up his sarcastic tone, " It's common sense I connected the dots, what got me to each of the places? I was thinking of the time period and boom there I am" Alexander clearly doesn't take kindly to my sassy remark," second of all, why did you neglect to inform me of the old man running after me?" He looks strictly to Liz, who doesn't even care," Why does it matter  you clearly can watch your self pretty well, why should we tell you if you have your magical force powers Darth Vader?" Alexander raises an eyebrow, showing me he understood the reference, which confused me since we found him in France in the 1900s. Nathan's father stirs while Nathan just stares at his sleeping father . Alexander notices his glare, " Don't worry he's not dead, he's just sleeping I don't kill." Nathan shakes his head softly," This is the first time I have seen him so at peace since my mother passed."  We all stay silent, " We should get off the street,  we shan't remind safe for long if we prolong the time here, someone might find the body." Alexander broke the silence. He leads us to a dark ally," So, we are less safe out in the open in lamp light, but we are safe in a dark ally where anyone can come and kill us?"Alexander scoffs and stretches his hand out," Grab hold of my hand" Alexander reaches to liz and I, Liz snatches her hand away," you didn't even say please." I give her a stare," Please" Alexander says cheesaly. Alexander takes out his pocket watch and moved the hands on the clock, "hold on tight." The same portal appeared we stepped through it. I was expecting the same swirled feeling or the sensation of free falling, but this time it felt controlled and a sense of calm ( he clearly has been doing this for a while). We all arrive at the same spot with no one unconscious we were all standing Alexander smirks," Show off" I scoff at him demeaningly. There were bare tall trees all around that seemed to never end and continued to the dark gray  clouds that covered the entire sky. "Alright then everyone if you all would follow me and do not speak a word " We past a sign on the forest floor, stating DOWN WITH THE DEVILS AND WITCHES, beside it was a sign that said WITCH EXECUTION AT THE WILOCKS TREE AT NOON, Alexander notices my glare, " Ahh yes that reminds me we are in the year 1692 Salem Massachusetts." I wonder what are we doing here?

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