Chapter 9 Acceptance

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They say that the last step of grief is acceptance, I think that Acceptance is also the last step of anything traumatic. That is what I think is happened after Alexander's breakdown, he accepted that Nathan is not the same evil man that did all those terrible things to his family, I have accepted that Catherine is Alexander's wife, Nathan has accepted that a possible future version of himself did do all those barbaric things to Alexander's family(that is a weird sentence), and  Liz has accepted that she is not going to get coke a cola anytime soon.  I woke up to the smell of something delicious I walk out of my room, and see liz just like a cartoon letting her nose lead the way downstairs, I join her," What is that smell?" She looked at me I shrug we desend down the stairs, and there we saw four bowls filled three-fourths of the way with oatmeal in the dining room. "I figured you would all be starving after last night so I thought I should wake up early and make everyone breakfast." Catherine said with a smile, she was already dressed and happy first thing in the morning which I really wanted to find annoying,but couldn't instead I just smiled politely and tried to ignore the fact that oatmeal grosses me out, "thank you, but did you forget one of us there are only four aren't there five of us?" Catherine shines another smile," Oh that was very observant, but no I did not forget I just do not serve myself until every one is at the table." I sat down next to Liz and Nathan sat next to me, "I'm glad you made oatmeal I love it!" I lied while swirling my spoon around in the chunky gray-ish brown oatmeal and held back a gag, but liz caught me," Um catherine I hate to offend you, but Claire,-she adresses me-You hate oatmeal you said it reminded you of what vomit looks like in cartoons, which I think is insane but what ever, can I have her oatmeal?." I shoot a look a her just wanting to squish her with my eyes, catherine looks at me still smiling," If Claire allows it you may, but Claire what a pity I wish I had known, I can make you a hard-boiled egg if you would like" She said kindly, I smile back,"That would be great, thank you" I kinda wanted to hate her, because there has to be something wrong with her how did someone so great end up with such an asshole, but I couldn't find an answer and I just couldn't hate her. Catherine goes outside," I shall return promptly, however while I am away could you do me a favor Claire?" I smile," Yeah sure" 

"Would you go to my room and fetch Alexander for me he wanted to sleep in and get dressed before we ate so tell him to hurry." She winks and went out the door. I get up and say to Liz," Thanks a lot,I could have eaten the oatmeal and spare her feelings." Liz scoffs," Oh please you couldn't hurt that girl's feelings if you had a sentimental hammer, and besides I saved you from eating cartoon vomit, you're welcome." I glared at liz trying to hid the fact that she was right,"Sentimental Hammer?" I asked" It's like a hammer you use to hurt feelings it's meant to be funny, you remember funny ha-ha(she enunciates)" I let out a small chuckle and go down the hallway to Alexander's and Catherine's bedroom. As I get to their room I knock gently (trying to avoid catching Alexander without pants), "Come in it's open" I push the door and see Alexander's back covered with dark scars but none of the smaller scars compared to the enormous scar that spread from his left shoulder to his right lower back,he was beginning to put on a beige long sleeved baggy shirt," Oh and I was wondering if.." He trailed off as he turned around and realized that I wasn't Catherine,"Oh,Claire I had mistaken you for Catherine, My mistake. " He began to tie the string that was laced up on the top of the shirt v-neck, put a brown vest over it," So what can I do you for?" I tried to ignore the weird english," Um Catherine told me to come and get you because you wanted to join us for breakfast?" I stated Alexander nods, " Yes shall we go?" he gestures to the door we go out. catherine had already returned and was boiling water over a fire. She rose and brushed the soot off her dress," Good morning, did you sleep well?" she asks Alexander, lovingly. He smiled and walked to her and kissed her head," Quite well thank you. How are our guests?" Alexander tried to ignore Nathan's presence and just focused his attention on Catherine, and would smile every time he would look at her. Catherine served two boiled eggs in front of me. " I hope you like them, oh and feel free to ask me anything you'd like to know or if anything is bothering you." She said.  I nod Alexander places his hand on my shoulder, " It is time for you learn more about us, but before that, Catherine we need weapons." Alexander turned to catherine, she shrugs," You know you will not find any here" Alexander thinks back," I suppose you're right. Come and follow me ." He signals me to follow, (and I didn't even get to finish my eggs).  He takes me behind the house to where the barn is, " Okay so what am I gonna learn how to milk a cow? Be able to understand lassie, is timmy trapped in a well?" Alexander just sighs, " No if you wish to stay then you must know something, we are not immortal, our aging is suspended when we go back in time, the more we go back the less we age, however the longer we stay in one time the more we age. Now just because we can age doesn't mean we have some perks" I interrupt, " Yeah "perks" you have green acid powers" Alexander scoffs, " There is a bit more to it, than that though we are not immortal, we are spared immortal illness, for example: If I was to be stabbed and we stopped the bleeding, I would not have to worry about my wound becoming infected, we can die a mortal death just not by illness, our senses are spared from aging, we have perfect hearing, eyesight, smell, and taste, and touch, and they shall never deteriorate." I raise an eyebrow," I get the first three kind of, but why do we have to have perfect taste and touch?" He squats and signals me to do the same, e picks up the dirt on the floor," We can feel the earth and tell how long since it has been stepped on, how long it has been since it rained, and what kind of vegetation can grow in this soil, this can help us track anything we need to, and we have perfect taste so that we may taste poisons, or if for instance we see a leave of some sort on a suspect, we can taste where it's from, how old it is so on and so forth. " I nod, Alexander stands and brushes his hands off, " Now then we must train, our mission should you choose to accept it is to find Nathan, and end him he holds the future himself, I know it he would not be able to be in two places at once . Now I understand you may feel that this is not your fight or your problem, however-" I cut him off, " My mother was part of this, I will not hide like she did, I want to finish what she started, you don't know the hell it has been since I lost my parents, I am always desperately looking for ways to be closer to them, and if this what I am part of then so be it, and you're wrong i never thought that this wasn't my fight being in my family makes it my problem." Alexander looks stunned at me, " Well then you must be trained, be mindful of what you are committing to, this will not be simple this will take hard work, especially since you are starting training late." I shake his hand, I accept the challenge.

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