Chapter 4: Why did you leave us?

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Petra's Pov:

I woke up when I felt a hand shook me. I thought it was Jesse, but when I opened my eyes I saw Lukas with a worried look.

"Hey Lukas." I greeted

"Hey Petra. Have you seen Jess and Jesse?"


"Where could they be?"

"Wasn't Jess sleeping with you?" I asked as he looked at me.

"She was, but when I woke up this morning she wasn't there. I went to Jesse's room to ask him, but he wasn't in his room."

I began to worry. "Have you checked outside?"

"I checked everywhere. I couldn't find them anywhere."

"We need to tell the others about this." I got up and noticed a piece of paper next to me, it was a note.

I began to read it. I began to tear up and that worried Lukas.

"What's wrong Petra?" He asked me as I looked at him.

After a short delay I finally had the strength to talk. "Ga-gather e-everyone outside."

He looked concerned but nodded and left my room. I began to let tears fall wild. After a few moments I began to calm down. I left my room and went to meet everyone else.


I saw everyone waiting for me. Axel and Olivia looked worried when they saw my dry tears.

"Petra? What's wrong?" asked Olivia. I gave her the note. 

"Read it." I said with a sadden tone. 

She took the note and read it out loud:


We are sorry to say that we left the temple. Me and Jess realized that we were being hunted down by an old enemy our parents fought when they were our age. We kept having the same nightmares that we can't tell you about. You might think that there just dreams, we thought that too. But I had a vision of my father and mother talking about how we will be in danger and only we can stop it. Me and Jess left last night to make sure you guys don't follow us. This is something we need to do alone. We don't know when we will come back, we might never come back. We might die fixing our problem. We're sorry we left without saying goodbye, but we did this to protect you all. Hope you all understand and don't follow us.

Signed Jesse & Jess.

Everyone gasped as I began to tear up again. I saw Lukas tear up too.

"I can't believe they left us to solve their problem. We are a team this is something we need to do together." I said with a muffled.

"What do we do then?" asked Axel.

"W-we need to find them." said Lukas as he wiped his tears away.

We all nodded. "Lets get our things ready and go after them"

A/N: Here is another chapter. So the Order finally finds out about Jesse and Jess' plan. Will they find them? Or will they perish while trying to find their friends? Find out soon.

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