Chapter 18: The soul transfer

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Jesse's Pov:

At last we made it, we were in a dead spot with no life and there was the temple. Now this was might be our final time we see the over world before we sacrifice our souls to save the world. Me and Jessica will continue and finish what our ancestors and parents started.

I looked at Jessica, she was sadden that we have to give up our lives early, but she knew she had. I didn't want to die at a young age either, but what else is there? We need to stop the other souls and Uncle Herobrine from destroying everything in their path

"Ready Jessica?" I said with a sadden tone.

She looked at me and nodded sadly.

"Yes,I believe I am."

I nodded and we went inside the temple. This temple had no mobs, no traps and no loot, this temple was actually made by our ancestors too. It wasn't that difficult to find the center of the temple.

The center contains many stories of our family generation, even ours. Now this was the end of our family. In the center there was also words that transfers the soul to where ever you want, but as I mention before, there is a small chance that we will come back, but it was too low. 

The only thing we hope for is for us to come back, our friends are hoping forward for that too. If we don't come back then it will be a great depression for them. I remembered when I faked my death and they were mourning over me like I was with Reuben.  

This time I might be dead, and I don't want this depression to happen again, especially since now they are friends with Jessica.



We sighed before we whispered the words.

"As the honor of our ancestors, we sacrifice our souls to the Temple of souls to keep things in balance."

Once the words were spoken, me and Jessica were surrounded by a white mist, we groaned in pain as our souls were being removed from our bodies. After a few minutes, I felt nothing and me and Jessica fell, and our bodies turned to dust. Our inventory disappeared with our bodies' dust.

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