Chapter 12: I want to be with you

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Petra's Pov:

"No buts. Tomorrow you and the rest of the group will go back of the to the temple whether you like it or not."

I began to tear up. Jesse turned to face me and hugged me, I hugged him back. I didn't want to lose Jesse and Jess. Jess is a great friend, she's like a sister to me. As for Jesse, my true love, he means everything to me. If I lose them both then I don't know what to do with myself.


I looked at his eyes. "What...?" 

"I know that you guys still want us to help us, but understand that this is something you guys can't interact with."

I buried my face on his chest and sobbed. I felt his rub my back to try to calm me down. Jesse knew how much he meant to me. He is the reason I am here, I am part of the new Order of the Stone, I was the warrior of the group.

I felt Jesse scoop me up. I looked at him and he gave me a sad smile. He carried me back to the hut and gently laid me down on the ground. He sat down next to me and stared at the crackling fire. I sat down and looked around us. Everyone was asleep. I saw Jesse on top of Lukas, they both were sleeping happily. I smiled a bit.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I looked at it and then I saw Jesse pulling me closer to me. Guess he noticed what I saw. I smiled and lean on his shoulder. I was happy being with Jesse, he really mean everything to me. 

We were watching the fire crackling until it finally died. I yawned and I looked at Jesse. He then laid down and let out a small yawn. I laid down on top of him and felt his warmth. I felt his hands go around me as rested my head on his chest. 

I looked at Jesse and he had his eyes close. I began to close my eyes and with a smile. Although I did have so many things in my mind. The rest of the gang and I can convince Jesse and Jess to let us join them. They don't understand that we don't care what danger is ahead, as long as we're together we can do it.

True that Jesse and Jess explained that we will lose our souls if we do, but they need to understand that we don't care. We need to stick together no matter what.

"I hope we can convince you tomorrow Jesse, this is something you and Jess need help with whether you like it or not."

A/N: Ok so I wanted to apologize for not uploading, it's just that i'm going to school next week and I need to take care of my younger brothers too. So uploads will start going slow. Bye and I hope you understand. And sorry for the short chapter too.

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