Chapter 14: Home sweet home

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Petra's Pov:

The rest of the Order and I were walking among the night, it was risky, but we didn't stop. Jesse and Jess made us go back. I should have convince him somehow, but I let him convince me to go back home. I know the twins wanted to protect us, but he and Jess should had realized that we work together no matter how dangerous it is.

I was behind the Order, we ran into some mobs, but we made the horses run to get away from them. We were on the horses for days and night, without a stop. The shadows of the night sky surrounded us, as if we were stuck on in a internal nightfall.

"Hey Petra? Are you ok?" asked Lukas as he turned his head to face me.

"Yeah...I'm fine." I responded quietly.

Lukas sighed and turned around. We all are stressed on what happened with us and the twins, but what can we do? If we return then we will all have an argument again, so there is no point other than to follow what Jesse and Jess said.


After a few days of travel, we finally made it to the temple. Home sweet home I guess. I went to my room and locked the door. I wanted to be alone for a while. I flop down on my bed and began to think about Jesse. I can't help it, I miss him.

I miss his shinning emerald eyes, his goofy smile, his kindness and his bravery. But what I miss the most is his love.

I let a tear fall as I think of Jesse.

"I hope you come back Jesse."

I finally let tears fall and I began to sob. This shouldn't have happened, we are a team. We are stronger in number, not strength. I learned that from Jesse, when I was force to stay in the cave when I still had the Wither sickness and the Witherstorm was still alive. 

Thanks to the Wither sickness I couldn't do anything, I felt useless. That was until Jesse talked to me, to make me feel better. When Jesse and the rest of the group left to go to the Farlands, except for Axel and Ellegaard since they went to distract the Witherstorms. Anyway after everyone left, I was alone. But I didn't felt alone. When they left I was thinking about those words Jesse said to me. At that moment I realized that we were all strong because we are a team. 

Jesse helped us see that, but he and Jess didn't see it. It sadden me.

'Knock, knock'

"Petra? Are you in there? I need to talk to you."

It was Lukas.

Lukas' Pov:

We came back to the temple after a few days of traveling. During the trip I always saw Petra look down with a sadden face. I don't blame her. Jesse and Jess are going to die and they don't want us to interact with their problem. This breaks all of our hearts, but mostly Petra and me. Jesse and Jess are in a relationship with us and they decide to die, to protect us.

I went to my room and plop down on my bed. I buried my head on my pillow and began to sob. Jess and Jesse were long gone. I wish they come back safely. I then looked up and began to think of Petra. During my crying I forgot that Petra was mourning too. I then formed an Idea. Hopefully it goes well. 

I got up and went to Petra's room. I heard light sobs.

"Petra? Are you in there? I need to talk to you."

I bit my lip, as I saw Petra open her door. She still had tears falling, I sighed and went inside.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked quietly.

I sighed.

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