chapter four

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Claire's POV: 
my phone started ringing I looked at the caller I.D. it was Kylie. "Hey Ky what's up?" "Can you come to Calabasas today Stass, Jordyn, and I are going to film a makeup video today." "Sure do you need me to bring anything?" "Nope we are all good." "Okay I will see you soon." "Okay bye" I ended the call. I went to the bathroom to go shower and get ready. After getting ready I went to the kitchen to have breakfast. I told Jake that I was going to Calabasas to film a video with the girls and he said okay.
                 couple hours later
I drove up the driveway to Kylie's house. I went inside and saw the girls setting some stuff up. "Hey girls!!!" I said. They turned around and ran towards me causing us to fall on the ground laughing. "I missed you so much" Jordyn said "The last time we saw each other was two months ago." Kylie said. We got up and went upstairs to a room that I guess where we are going to film the video. After filming the video we went out to the pool to relax since it was 100°. "So Claire your birthday is coming up soon what are you going to do?" Stass said. "I don't even know" I said "Maybe we can have a birthday party at my house." Kylie said "Are you sure?" I said "Yes you are like family to me." "Okay." We went inside the house to dry up and have some lunch. We watched some movies in the living room.
                   couple hours later
We all had a sleepover and we were playing with nerf guns that Jordyn bought. We were running around the house it was really fun. Soon we all got tired so we went to sleep.
"Good morning Stass and Kylie." I said while walking to the kitchen they just laughed. I knew they were up to something so I went to the bathroom and saw my face they wrote in sharpie I love Kylie and Stass. I went to the kitchen and I grabbed the water and splashed it on Kylie and Stass then threw flour on them. "PAYBACK IS A BETCH!!!" we had a food fight which was really fun. I went to go shower because I was smelly and had food all over me. After showering I went to get dressed before leaving. I helped them clean up with the mess that we made.  
                  couple hours later
I went back home and I saw Tanner and Jake outside the house doing tricks on their scooters. "hey boys" I said "hey Claire" they said in unison. I went into the house and went to sleep on the couch because I was lazy to go up the stairs.
                         night time
I was currently making spaghetti for the boys since they asked me to cook. Tanner  wrapped his arms around my waist causing me to jump up a little. "oh uh hey Tanner what's up?" I said trying to not sound nervous "just watching a beautiful girl cooking spaghetti" he said that made me blush. "well the spaghetti will be done in a minute." I said. He let go and went back to talk to Jake. "that was weird" I said to myself. I put the spaghetti onto the plates and placed them on the table. I called the boys to come and eat and we all sat down. "thanks for making dinner" they said in unison. "no problem". after eating I washed the plates and went to my room and go sleep. couple minutes later, the door opened and Tanner laid on the bed. "uhmm Tanner?" "yes?" "what are you doing here?" "I want to go to sleep" "Does Jake know that you are in my room and laying on the same bed as me?" "yeah I asked him if I could sleep in here as long as we are not doing anything bad like you know what" "okay then but don't touch me" "okay I won't touch you." I had a pillow between us so it can separate us. "goodnight Claire." "goodnight Tanner"
I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me. I look up to see who it was and I saw a sleeping Tanner aww. "hey Claire I know that you are staring at me." "I wasn't staring at you Tanner I was staring at the clock." "but the clock is behind you." "darn it" "you can't trick me." I got up to do my morning routine. Jake and Tanner were in the living room watching the tv. "breakfast is on the table." Jake said. "okay thanks". I got a text from Tanner "get ready we are going out today. it will only be the two of us and your brother already knows." I looked at him and nodded. what is he up to?

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