chapter thirteen

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Claire's POV:
I turned on my camera and started the vlog. "goooooooddddd morning!!!!! We made it to Ensenada I can't wait to explore because we have been on the boat for almost two days." I turned off the vlog camera to get ready. After everyone was ready we went to go eat before we went off the boat. Madi and her parents were meeting us at the bus stop. Once we got in the bus I vlogged the bus trip. The bus stopped and we went to explore the shops and restaurants. Madi and I took at selfie together that had the cruise behind us it was so cool. Jake and Tanner were buying us churros and drinks. Our parents went to look around the shops. We went to go eat at this taco place which was really good and they had delicious chips. After we paid for our food we went to explore more stores. Ensenada is amazing there were people selling bracelets and there was a guy that wrote on a piece of rice and put it inside a little glass so you can wear it as a necklace. Madi and I bought one of the necklaces and told the guy to write our names inside. We paid and thanked the guy. "Okay we should go back now." Tanner's mom said. We followed them to the bus Tanner grabbed my hand and Jake grabbed Madi's hand. We finally made it back on the boat and we were all drained out so we went to our rooms to take a nap before going out again to eat and hangout.
                  couple hours later
we woke up and the cruise was leaving Ensenada while the sun was about to set I took a picture and Tanner asked Jake to take a picture of us. "I love you Tanner." "I love you too." He kissed me on the cheek. We went to go eat and hangout by the pool with Madi and Jake. "Hey Tanner truth or dare?" Jake asked "dare." "I dare you to jump in the pool." Tanner took off his shirt and shoes leaving him with only his shorts. He jumped in the pool and asked me for a towel so I gave it to him but he pulled me in instead. I splashed him and asked Jake for his help so he came over and I pulled him in. Jake pulled Madi in and we started laughing. We went to dry off and relax on the chairs that were near the pool. "Tomorrow is Sea Sunday." I said. "What does that mean?" they asked me "it mean we are going to be at sea the whole Sunday." We went inside and go inside the room that we were staying in so we can watch a movie. Jake and Madi were laying with each other while Tanner and I were cuddling with each other. After the movie ended Madi and Jake were sleeping leaving Tanner and I alone. Tanner kissed me on the lips and down to my sweet spot making me moan a little. "Tanner we shouldn't be doing this right now because they are here." "okay fine." he sounded a but disappointed. I kissed him on the cheek before going to sleep "goodnight Tanner." "goodnight Claire."

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