Chapter 22

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My eyes instantly widen as I see Steph and her group of friends. I immediately turn back.

"Where are you going?"

I look up to see Hilary staring at me


"I have to.. I have to go" I say

"learn to have some fun, bitch" I hear someone say

"But we'd love to have you here" Hilary says, forcing her best smile. She grabs me by the hand and pulls me forward. She walks towards her friends, dragging me behind her.

"Come on" Steph says, patting the seat beside her on the bench. I see a couple of other benches, occupied by drunk girls.

"Hello?" Steph says.

"Huh?" I say, breaking away from my thoughts.

"Come sit here"

Fuck no.

"I can't I have to-" I start

"Blah blah blah" Steph says. She takes a sip of her can of beer and raises an eyebrow at Hilary, who grabs me by my hand again, forcing me to sit beside Steph.

"I-" I start to get up but Steph grabs my hand and pulls me down.

"Sit" she says, handing me a can of beer. "Want some?"

Fuck no.

"No" I say.

"Suit yourself" She says, shrugging.

Suddenly my phone buzzes and I take it out from my bag. My eyes widen as I see a text from Liam.

"Hey, I'm at home. Hope your extra classes are over by now. Call me once you get home"

Extra classes?

"So, Jessica" Steph says "What do you think about my boyfriend?"


I gasp as I realize what's going on. There was no Liam. No Liam waiting for me near the back gate. No-

"Hello?" Steph says, waving her hand in front of my face.

"I have to go-" I get up but Steph grabs my hand again, in an attempt to stop me. 

"I said, sit" She spits.

I jerk my hand away from her. "I have to go" I snap and look around to find a dozen eyes glaring at me. Steph gets up and grabs my hand again. "Sit" She says and pulls me back again.

"Please I have-"

"Calm down. I'm not gonna murder you or something" She says and her friends laugh. "Now, tell me, do you think my boyfriend is cute?" She asks, giggling.

What the fuck have I got myself into?

"I uh-" I say

"Okay okay" She says, giggling. "let's try another question. Do you want to fuck my boyfriend?"

My eyes instantly go wide. "" I say, blinking my eyes.

"I know you want to" Steph says.

What the fuck?

"No" I snap at her.

"Everyone wants to" She says, waving her can in the air. Nevermind, Let me ask you another question" She says, taking a last sip out of her can of beer and tossing it aside.

I have to get out of here. Soon.

"So" She starts, taking another beer can from Hilary. "Why are you after my boyfriend?"

"I'm not after your boyfriend" I snap at her.

"Then why did you kiss him?"

"Steph" I get up. "I've told you this before and I'm telling you this again. I have no interest in your boyfriend and I did not try to kiss him. Hell, he hasn't even talked to me in the past few-" I stop, after realizing what I just said.


"What?" Steph says, raising one eyebrow.

"Nothing, I just wanted-"

"He hasn't been talking to you?" She asks, trying to hide a grin.

"No I-" I start

"Probably he's pissed off at you for trying to kiss him" She says and Hilary laughs.

"I told you I did not try to kiss him" I snap, my blood boiling.

"Yeah, right" she says, laughing.

That's it. I've had enough.

I turn back immediately, and start walking but suddenly Hilary comes in my way.

"Where are you going?"

"Away from you and your shit" I snap at Steph and try to walk past Hilary, but she blocks my way again.

"Wait we haven't finished our little question game yet" Steph says and I clench my wrists.

"Then I have a question for you" I spit. "Why are you such a fucking slut?"

I watch as Steph's eyes go wide. There was silence.

"What?" Steph says

"You heard me"

"What did you call me?" She yells, throwing her empty can on the floor. "You.. You went behind my back, trying to kiss my boyfriend. And you call me a slut?"

"How many times do I have to fucking tell you that I did not kiss him?" I snap

"Fucking liar" She yells, shoving me back. "Stay away from my boyfriend. He's mine. Hear me? He's fucking mine"

"or else?" I spit, in a fit of rage.

Great way to screw up, Jessica.

"Or else?" Steph repeats. I begin to say something but I'm stopped as Steph's hand reaches my cheek.

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