Chapter 53

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Warning: This chapter contains more swearing than usual
That doesn't sound right
does it

"Let her go”

“Fucking let her go”

He laughed.

“Look at your little boyfriend” Andy gestured at Jess who was struggling to escape. She tried to yank him away, tried to brush him off but he overpowered her. Her tear strained cheeks, her puffy red eyes showed that she couldn’t take any of this shit anymore, but despite that, she struggled.

“He is struggling to form a coherent sentence” Andy sneered at the boy who had been tied to a chair, who was struggling to even look at him. His head was held down and she wondered what was going on. He seemed so exhausted, completely out of energy. She had almost assumed he was unconscious if It wasn’t for his faint whispers.

“Andy please” He begged, and she could see his struggle as he finally turned his gaze to meet the person who was holding her. “Let her go, please”

It pained her to see him like this, despite all he had done to her. It pained her to see his tears, it pained her to see him so weak, so helpless. Her mind was struggling to catch up with everything that was going around her, the drugs he had subjected her to, making her weaker and weaker. She looked at Josh, who stood by Harry’s chair, watching him intently. For a second, his eyes met her's and she spotted the slightest hint of guilt in them. She knew they had done something to Harry, but she pushed that thought away, focusing more on getting away from this man who had fucking kidnapped her.

“Harry, you should look at yourself, you-“ He stopped midway, glaring at the girl who was struggling to escape from his harsh grip, struggling to get away from him. “Would you stop for a second, you bitch?” He spat at her, earning an expression of pure fear and horror on her face. He grinned, knowing he had her under his control. She stopped struggling for a second, her muffled sobs could be heard loudly through the cloth wrapped around her mouth. She wanted to yell for help, scream for help, wanted to get away from here. Just when she thought that she would go away from all these people and things would finally get better for her, they just had to take a turn for the worse. There wasn’t anything in her life worth being happy for, for she was subjected to pain and sadness wherever she went. It seemed as if all the worst things happened to her, and every single time she would feel the same, helpless and feeble and weak.

She hated herself for being so weak, so feeble and letting others take control of her. She hated herself for being so weak mentally and physically, she just hated herself.

Before she could realize what was happening, she was thrown aside as she fell to the floor, harshly. The impact made her groan aloud in pain as she cried. He was a monster, a fucking monster. If he still had that tad bit of humanity in him, he wouldn’t have shoved her to the floor this way, only to laugh at her cries and sobs that accompanied. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Harry struggling to get out of the chair, his gaze fixed on the boy that walked up to him.

If it would’ve been Harry any other day, she knew he would’ve bet the living fuck out of Andy. But now, he seemed so impotent, so weak. I looked to see Andy walking towards Harry as I slowly got up, thinking of a plan to escape but it was as if Josh could read my mind as he swiftly grabbed my hand, forcing me to stand up as I grappled in his strong grip.

“Well, Harry” Andy says in a tone laced with disgust. “Hope you’re enjoying the show”

Harry slowly lifted his head to meet Andy’s gaze, his bloodshot eyes coming into view. I could feel the anger radiating off of him, as he mumbled a few words to Andy. I saw Andy’s expression turn into one of pure disgust and anger as a smirk formed on Harry’s face. Andy slowly backed away, still eyeing Harry who was still looking at him, smirk evident on his face. I didn’t know what he had spoken about that made Andy so angry, but I knew one thing, the consequences sure wouldn’t be pretty. Just as the thought crossed my head, I shrieked a little as a vase hit the floor, the glass shards scattered almost everywhere. My eyes had turned the size of quarters now as Andy quickly made his way towards me. He grabbed me by my arm, despite my struggle and effort to get a way from him, which seemed to anger him the more. No, I couldn’t him control me, I had to struggle and get away, for once, I had to be strong. But all my efforts were in vain as he finally grabbed my wrists and his hand made firm contact with my cheek as I turned my head towards the side, wincing from the pain.

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