Chapter 2

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Harry abruptly stood up, his face holding an emotion of complete disinterest.

"Now you guys will be group A, and you guys will receive the first assignment, ill assign it to you as soon as I can" I heard the teacher say as he signaled for us to sit down.

I wasn't particularly happy with my new group, now was I happy with working amongst people I wasn't familiar with. And judging by the looks of my new groupmates, they weren't exactly filled with enthusiasm either. Except for that blonde bloke. Damn, did he smile a lot.

The entire class was spent picking groups and clarifying other stuff. With the ring of the bell, the teacher announced that we would be getting our assignments by next class and dismissed us soon after.

Everyone started packing their bags and hurrying up outside and as I got up, I saw Julia out of the corner of my eye, as an idea popped in my head. I hurried upto her before she could walk out of class.

Time for some socializing.

"Hey, Julia I know we haven't talked much but-"

"Yeah okay" I was cut off by a rather rude tone as she hurried towards the door.

"But we've been put in the same group and-"

Not even a word of my sentence was cared enough to be heard as she walked out, blatantly ignoring me. Well, that went well. My subconscious mocked me. So much for socializing.

I knew they all avoided me. Everyone did. It wasn't exactly new. I was labeled a loner, even though I hated to think myself of one. I was labeled with a list of things, actually. But then again, they don't bother me, and they never will. Or so I tell myself. High school is going to get over this year, and I'll never see this people again.

As I walked towards the eastern section to attend my next class, I vaguely heard someone call my name. Spinning around, I was greeted by two people, an awkward smile on either of their faces.

"Hey" Niall and Louis chorused.

"Hey" I replied back, finding it rather amusing.

"Uhm we wanted to tell you that-" Niall spoke, his hands at the back of his neck, "That you could talk to us about anything, yeah?"

I was rather skeptical. I had seen these guys around Harry sometimes, and people like Harry or those who surround him, were one of the last people I'd trust.

"We're not like Harry and his bunch of friends" Louis added, as if he read my mind. I breathe a sigh of relief, quite believing them. But I still had to be careful.

"Yeah sure" I smiled.

"Did you talk to that other girl?" Louis questioned

"Uhm Julia?" I said to which he nodded, "I tried but she wasn't exactly friendly"

"Oh, okay, we'll try talking" Niall says as I glance at my watch and tell them I need to hurry to my physics class, subtly exchanging 'goodbye's' and 'see you laters' I take my phone out my bag on the way to physics, expecting a text or two by Amelia, but disappointed to see none. She was probably too wrapped up in her French exam. I shrugged the thought off as my mind wandered to the fact that Harry was in my group. Harry freaking idiotic styles, the apparent charmer of our class. Girls swooned over him, and guys wanted to be with him. Plus the fact that he was filthy rich and always got what he wanted. Never took no for an answer, never took out a girl for a second date either. What else did you need to be at the top of the popular tab at school?

As I walk inside physics class, I dart my eyes up at the first row and instantly freeze. He was sitting in the front row, busy reading a book, and even though I could see him from a certain angle, I fucking knew it was him. It had to be him. "Oh my god" I mutter to myself as I make my way upto his desk and place my hand on the desk, deliberately loud enough to grab the attention of a certain brown haired boy. His chocolate colored eyes gazed up to look at me, and the look of feign innocence was instantly replaced with that of shock and recognition.

"Jess?" he whispered, the shock on his face evident, and the smirk on mine, all too familiar.

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