Chapter 5

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( 1 hour earlier)
As Brandon drove out of the school parking lot he kept on replaying what Callie had said to him. He started getting really depressed and could barely focus on the road.

" I'm sorry for what I said last night I acted like a idiot." Callie looked at him and realized that he was sorry. Then Brandon put his hand behind her head and pulled her close a kissed her lips. Callie got upset and pulled back," I'm sorry Brandon I am just not ready to forgive you." Callie then got out of the car and walked off.

*End of flashback*

Brandon snaped out of his flashback and realized he was in the wrong lane. The next thing he knew was a giant truck hitting him and he blacked out.

*Phone call*

"Hello", Stef answered her phone. The person on the other line said," Yes Stefanie Foster your son was in a car accident." Steff couldn't believe it, but which son Brandon or Jesus. Stef called Lena and told her to pull the kids out of school. When Callie met up with Mariana, Jesus, and Jude she asked," Do you guys know why we are being pulled out of school early?" Mariana looked at Callie with sadness and said," Moms got a call saying that Brandon was in a car accident and we are heading to the hospital now." Callie was shocked she couldn't help but think, ' What if he doesn't make it?' When they arrived at the hospital a nurse came out," Are you guys here to see Brandon Foster?" Stef and Lena both looked at each other and said in unison," Yes." " Okay well only the parents may see Brandon Foster. Is his dad here," the nurse asked Stef. Stef thought for a moment a said," No not at this time, but me and my wife would like to go back and see him please." The nurse felt a little embarrassed but just nodded her head and motioned for them to follow her. Callie walked over to Mariana and said," Hey Can I talk to you?" " Sure, what do you want to talk about", Mariana asked. Callie grabbed her arm a took her aside," I feel horrible about my last words to Brandon. I couldn't even open up my heart to forgive him", as Callie told Mariana tears started to roll down her face. Callie then asked Mariana," Am I a horrible person?" As more tears came out of Callie eyes Mariana hugged her." No Callie, you wouldn't have been upset at him if he wasn't such an idiot last night", Mariana said to comfort Callie. Back in Brandon's hospital bed Stef and Lena walked in to see him laying there with his eyes closed. To see Brandon like this made his moms tear up. Stef walked over to Brandon and placed her hand on his forehead and said softly," B." Hearing his mom's voice Brandon opened his eyes." Mom, Mama", Brandon said trying to speak. Lena walked over on the other side of Brandon and said," Yes Brandon we both are here." He looked over at them and said," I'm sorry." With that his eyes closed back up. Stef got upset," Brandon, Brandon why are you sorry?" The nurse came in the room," Don't worry he is just tired he blacks out once in a while but he is fine", the nurse said with not much worry at all. Then the nurse said," There is only time for one more person and only one can stay the night here." Stef and Lena both walked out to the waiting room. As Callie was sitting with Mariana crying she looked up and saw their moms coming out. Callie stood up and walked over to them and the other kids followed." What's going on? Is he okay? Can we see him", Callie said with concern in her voice. Stef looked at Callie and realized that she was clearly traumatized by what has happened and said to her," How about you stay here for the night a look over Brandon." As more tears flowed out of her eyes she nodded her head yes." Okay call or text us if anything goes wrong", Lena told Callie. Then every one gave Callie a hug and left. Another nurse walked up to Callie," Are you the person who will be staying with Brandon Foster tonight?" Callie tried putting on a straight face and said," Yes I am." The nurse looked at her clipboard and asked," Okay and what is the relation?" " Um... Sister", Callie said unsure of what she should have said. As she entered his Hospital room she noticed a tear coming down her cheek. She went over and held his hand," I forgive you", Callie said softly as she started crying not knowing if he could hear her. She then sat down in the chair meant for visitors. All she could think about was how badly she felt for Brandon. A nurse walked in the room and said," Has he waken up yet because when he does he needs to eat." Callie looked at him," No he hasn't", she said disappointingly. Then the nurse walked over and tapped on his shoulder," Brandon you need to wake up please so you can eat." Brandon then started to open his eyes and asked," What time is it? Where is my family?"The nurse said to Brandon in a calm voice," It is 10:00 pm and most of your family left except for your sister. Now would you like to eat?" Brandon nodded his head and the nurse walked out." So Mariana you decided to stay the night here", Brandon asked thinking that by 'sister' that meant it was Mariana. Callie looked at him and said," Well they asked me to stay." Brandon at first was confused because it wasn't Mariana's voice then he quickly realized," Callie, your here? I thought you were mad at me?" Callie started crying and tried to talk,"I-I'm *sniff* s-sorry Brandon *sniff* I d-didn't mean for th-this to happen to you." Brandon then sat up and looked at her," Don't be sorry Callie, it was my fault", he reached out his hand and Callie placed her shaking hand in his. As he held her hand he massaged it with his thumb and said," Callie I love you. Please don't cry, it breaks my heart to see you sad." Callie nodded her head yes then looked up when the nurse came back with Brandon's food." Miss do you happen to know when I. Will be discharged", Brandon asked the nurse. After putting his food down she said," By the looks of it you should be out of here in at least three weeks if all goes well." Brandon and Callie looked at each other and smiled.

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