Chapter 7

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Brandon and Callie were both in complete shock at the question. But then Callie looked at him and signaled that maybe it was time to tell the truth. Brandon placed both his hands in his pockets and let out," Yes, we have been officially boyfriend and girlfriend for at least a month now or more." Then Brandon took his right hand out of his pocket and grabbed Callie's. Stef and Lena looked at each other," Callie? Is this true", Lena said in shock. Callie nodded her head yes and held on tighter to Brandon's hand. Stef and Lena were not only mad that they had deceived them but also they were holding hands." Brandon can I talk to you alone", Stef said with command in her voice. Brandon knew that him and Callie showing affection towards each other bugged them so as Callie was going to walk away he kissed her lips just to annoy Stef. Callie smiled and walked away and Lena followed her." Brandon you are a liar and decisive. I can't believe you right now. Do you realize how selfish you are", Stef yelled. Brandon looked away and then at her and yelled out," What are you going to do about it we are in love!" Stef couldn't believe that Brandon is treating this the same way he dealt with it the last time." She is your sister Brandon! It is illegal for you two to be together", Stef yelled. Brandon got angry and yelled back," I don't care Mom! You just don't get it!" The fact was that Stef did get it especially when she was a teenager realizing that she was lesbian in a Christian home. Meanwhile upstairs Callie was listening to Brandon and Stef's arguement with Mariana." Ooo someone's boyfriend is trying to protect her", Mariana said with excitement in her voice. Callie Blushes and said to herself," I don't care what happens to me I love Brandon and Jude will be safe here no matter what." Then Callie heard Brandon slam his bedroom door and then she saw Stef go into her and Lena's room. Callie quickly said to Mariana," I'll be right back." With that she left her room and opened Brandon's door to find him laying on his bed with anger." Brandon", Callie called to him. He looked over and sat her down. Callie looked at him with concern," Are you okay? Is everything okay?" Brandon shrugged his shoulders," Callie, to be honest I don't know. My mom is really pissed off with me and is trying now to keep us apart." Callie shed a tear and said," should we not have told them? Was it a mistake?" " No this is not a mistake I love you. I don't care what happens to me I won't loose you again." Callie started tearing up and lunged herself into Brandon's arms. As they hugged Stef burst into his room and walked in on the hug." What are you two doing? Brandon I told you, you and Callie can't hang around behind closed doors", Stef yelled. Callie stopped hugging Brandon and said," I just came in here to check up on what was going on."Stef looked at Brandon then at Callie," And how do I know nothing else went on in here?" Brandon immediately yelled," What do you think we were doing, having sex! Well news flash Mom we already did!" As Brandon yelled that Jude walked by and stepped in," What", Jude looked at Brandon like he had just walked in on them kissing. Then he walked away Callie stood up and walked after Jude," Jude, wait", Callie yelled. Jude stopped and looked at Callie and said,"What's going to happen to you? I don't want to loose you." " Jude don't worry about me. I will be fine also I have Brandon", Callie said trying to comfort Jude. Back in Brandon's room Stef started to question him," Brandon when did this happen? When did you two have sex?" Brandon looked her straight in the eye and told her everything," It happened in Idylwild. At the time we thought Callie wasn't going to get adopted because we saw each other after the restraining order and Carmen was going to tell." Stef was in shock she had so many questions but she just asked one more," Okay and was there another's time where you and Callie had sex?" Brandon thought for a moment then remembered," Oh, yeah remember that morning that you thought Callie just fell asleep on my chair? Well the truth is that night we slept together."Stef was clearly upset but then just left his room in silence to go tell Lena what Brandon just told her. When Brandon walked out of the hallway he ran into Jesus," Brandon can I talk to you for a minute", Jesus asked." Yeah sure", Brandon said. Jesus had Brandon come with him into his room to talk. As Brandon sat down Jesus started talking," What the heck were you thinking dating Callie, causing so much drama with the family." Brandon yelled," Jesus you don't even understand our relationship! You see me and Callie together and you instantly think that we are bad for each other, well your wrong I love her!" Jesus put his hand on Brandon's shoulder and said calmly," Brandon calm down please. I just think you are being selfish. If you love Callie then you will let her go." Brandon stood up and punched Jesus right in the eye. Mariana happened to walk by and saw Brandon punch Jesus." Brandon what are you doing! Leave him alone now," Mariana yelled in order to calm Brandon down. As Brandon walked out Stef and Lena came to see what the yelling was about." What is going on here Brandon", Stef asked in concern. Then Lena and Stef saw Jesus with a black eye. Lena looked at Brandon in shock and said," Brandon that is not okay. He is your brother why would you do that to him?" Brandon looked her straight in the eye and said," He called me selfish for dating Callie!" Callie walked by with Jude and saw Brandon walk away and noticed Jesus' black eye. She ran up to Brandon and yelled," Hey what was that? You can't just go punching people because he offended you in anyway!" Brandon kept on walking and Callie quickly blurted out," I hate you! We are through Brandon!" Brandon stopped for a minute then he noticed Callie walking away and he was going to tell her to stop but he couldn't find the words. Later that night Brandon walked into Callie and Mariana's room and placed a note on her phone and then left.

To be continued...

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