Chapter 10

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When Callie knocked on the door AJ answered and she saw that his eyes were red from crying." AJ oh my god what happed, are you okay", Callie asked with concern. AJ invited her inside and when they sat down he said," My Grandma she died." Callie felt bad for him since his grandma died she didn't have the heart to break up with him." AJ it is going to be okay you will get through this", Callie said attempting to comfort him." The only way I am able to handle this is because I have you", AJ said trying not to cry. Callie knew that there was no way she could break his heart even more. She put her arm around his shoulder and he leaned in on her trying even harder to fight back the tears. After about 30 minutes comforting AJ she said to him," Well I think I should get back before my moms start to worry." AJ nodded his head and sat up, before she stood up he leaned over and kissed her. She then kissed back and pulled away so she could stand up and walked out. When she got home she went up to Brandon's room when she walked in he asked her," How did it go? Did he take it well?" Callie looked down and said," I couldn't do it." Brandon was confused," So you don't want to be with me", Brandon said with disappointment. Callie felt bad she didn't want to hurt Brandon or AJ's feelings she then realized no matter who she chose she would end up hurting one now it was a matter of who she hurts." Brandon I want to be with you it is just I need to give AJ some time to get over his grandma's death, okay", Callie said trying to make Brandon feel better. Brandon looked at her beautiful eyes and said," please do it soon because I told Courtney that I needed to talk to her tomorrow and that is when I will break the news to her.' Callie nodded her head then gave him a kiss on the cheek and went to her bedroom. When Callie entered her bedroom Mariana was standing in front of her bed with her arms crossed looking at Callie with suspicion." Are you and Brandon a thing? Are you cheating on AJ", Mariana questioned. Callie felt like she needed to tell someone about her and Brandon so she sighed and said," Me and Brandon still have feelings for each other and last night we almost had sex but I stopped it." Mariana squealed and said excitedly," Omg tell me everything like what was it like to kiss Brandon after all this time?" " Oh my God Mariana I am not going to tell you details about my love life especially not about us kissing", Callie yelled so that Brandon almost heard. Luckily they were the only ones home at the time." Please Callie just answer that one question and you can be a vague as you want", Mariana pleaded. Callie let out a sigh and whispered," Okay it felt kind of good to kiss Brand-", " Please don't say his name it is kind of weird to hear about my brother and sister kissing", Mariana interrupted. Callie looked at her and said," Well you asked." Mariana didn't say anything then she started to giggle and Callie started to do the same." Ok well lets go down to the living room we can watch a movie just the two of us", Mariana offered. Callie giggled as she nodded her head and they headed down stairs. In the middle of the movie Mariana asked," So what's the deal with you and Brandon are you two like back together or something?" Callie thought for a moment then shrugged and said," I don't know, I mean we are both still technically dating other people and I am not sure if that is what he wants." Mariana stood up and said," I'll go ask him." Before Callie could stop her she ran up to Brandon's room and barged in interrupting him playing Callie's song (Outlaws). When Mariana burst in Brandon nearly jumped out of his seat." What Mariana," Brandon said loudly." Is Callie your girlfriend? Or are you just using her", Mariana asked with concern and anger. Brandon got offended and yelled," Mariana I would never use Callie! I love her!" Mariana got defensive and yelled at Brandon," I just want to know because she is my sister and I won't let you break her heart." " I am your Brother too what about me", Brandon said defensively ." That's different you are the boy", Mariana pointed out. Brandon got angry and yelled," Get out of my room!" The next day came and Brandon was waiting at a park to talk to Courtney. Brandon then saw Courtney walking up to him. When she reached him she said," Hey I can't stay long Eddie is watching Mason." Brandon was about to think twice about breaking up with her but then he thought of Callie and he instantly knew what he had to do." I think we need to break up", Brandon blurted out. Courtney was shocked and hurt all she could say was," Why?" Brandon didn't want to hurt her feelings and also he made a huge deal about being over Callie so he lied and said," I just don't think it will work out with our age differences and all." Courtney realized that maybe he was right so she nodded and walked away. When Brandon came home Callie was sitting on the couch and the house was empty. Brandon went over to her and sat down next to her and pulled her to him so that she was leaning her head on his chest. Callie thought that the longer she did this the more it would hurt AJ so she texted him saying that she needed to talk to him tomorrow around noon at his house. Then as Brandon was thinking to him self she interrupted his thought by crashing her lips to his. Brandon pulled away and asked," I thought we were going to wait until you and AJ were going to break up?" Callie stopped and nodded her head and she leanded back on him and then fell asleep.

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