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Note: Hey guys! Back again with another fanfic! And this time it's for the Ice Age fandom! I put a warning in the description, so I'll warn you again. If you don't like Ice Age, or Buck then don't read. This book may get a cover change later on in the year. Anyways! Onto the fanfic!

You and Buck were frenemies. Friends when your parents weren't around, and enemies when they were.
You see, your parents have never gotten along with Bucks parents. The family fued has been around for ages.
You and Buck were pretty much the first ones to break the fued. Well. That is when your parents weren't around of course.
He would always bring you on awesome adventures. Though later on you would get in trouble for hanging out with Buck.
That was when you two had no idea that there were dangerous preditors out to get you both.
It was the day you'd just turned 5 years old. Buck was 5 too but his birthday was a few months before yours.
Your parents thew you a party like they did every year. Buck was watching from a distance. Of course, makinh sure he didn't get caught by his or your parents.
When the party was over, you met up with Buck.
"Hey Buck!" You said and waved and sat by him.
"Hey. How was your party?" Buck asked.
"It was great. Like always." You said.
"Hey. Wanna go on an adventure?" Buck asked. Adrenaline was rushing all around his body. Like always.
You giggled at his excitement.
"Sure!" You responded.
"Race you!" Buck exclaimed and took off running.
"Hey no fair! You didn't give me a head start!" You said and ran after him.

After about 5 minutes of chasing each other, you guys finally gave up and decided to catch your breaths.
"That was fun." You said sitting down.
"Giving up already?" Buck asked sitting down next to you.
"Well yeah. I'm not as energetic as you are." You said.
"Eh. Fair enough." Buck said and shrugged then nodded.
He then spotted a pond nearby. "Hey. Let's bet on somethin'. If I can catch a fish in a minute or less, then you have to go on adventures with me from now on until we turn 10." Buck said.
You thought about it for awhile but then added, "But if you don't then I have to go on at least 3 more adventures with you." You said.
Buck thought about it for a minute or two. "5 adventures?" He asked.
You rolled your eyes. "Fine. 5 it is then." You said.
"Deal." Buck said and ran off to the pond.

But little did you both know, 2 saber tooth tigers have been watching the whole time. They then stepped out of the shadows and walked up behind you.
"Well, well, well. Look who we have here." Said one of the saber tooths.
The other saber tooth laughed and they stopped walking.
Your ears perked up and you turned aroud in panic.
"W-Who are you guys? How did you guys know I was here?" You asked slowly backing away from them. "That's not important right now." The 1st saber said.
The two then looked at each other. The 1st saber then growled and the 2nd one came out at you with his claws out and swung his paw at your side.
You hissed in pain. You tried to get up but you couldn't.
"Buck!" You yelled and tried to fight back.
The 2nd saber tooth raised his paw up and swung at you again. Barely missing you.
"Has it been a minute yet?!" He asked/yelled.
"That doesn't matter right now! HELP ME!" You yelled.
Buck then heard a scream from behind him and realized you were in danger.
He turned around and ran to where you were being attacked.
After about 10 minutes of that, Buck ran to your side and yelled for help.
Luckily, someone was strolling nearby in the woods at the time and went to where you two were.
Eventually, other weasels came to your aid and brought you two to safety.
While you were unconsious, Buck's parents gave him a lecture about going on adventures with you.

*Time Skip*
After what felt like hours, you finally woke up.
"(Name) you're awake!" Buck said, laughing with joy.
"What happened?" You asked. Starting to regain conciousness.
"You were attacked by two saber tooths. But I fought them and saved your life." Buck explained.
You nodded and slowly started to sit up.
Your parents then rushed in and hugged and comforted you.
Buck guessed it was his cue to leave, so he did.

*Another Time Skip*
After a long while of resting, regret and unbearable pain, you decided to get up and walk around a little.
You then went outside and were greeted by other friends. Comfort and love.
You smiled and thanked all of them and kept walking.
You then eventually saw Buck. He was skipping stones at a river.
"Buck? What are you doing out this late?" You asked.
"I could ask the same for you." He said. Not looking at you and still skipping stones.
You just sighed in annoyance and rolled your eyes.
You then stood next to him. Looking at your reflection in the water.
"Look. I'm sorry for not helping you out sooner. I should have payed attention. Can you forgive me?" Buck asked. Facing you.
"Forgive you? After I almost DIED?!" You said getting angrier by the second.
Buck put his arms up in defense and backed up.
"Maybe my parents were right about you. You and your family are bad weasels." You said walking off.

You then eventually moved to a new civilization not far away and started a new life.

Away from danger.

Note: Hope you guys enjoyed that! There will be more in the future!

983 words

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