Chapter 27. Getting Them Together Pt. 2

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Note: Hey guys! Back again with another chapter! No new announcements so let's get rollin'!

No One POV
The next day, Sphinx had a meeting.
"Alrighty. Everybody ready to hear what I have to say?" Sphinx asked.
Everyone nodded.
"Ok. Peaches. You're going to convince (Name) to go to the date. Crash and Eddie, you two are going to convince Buck." Sphinx said.
"Question. Do we actually say it's a date of do we use a word to cover it up?" Eddie asked.
"Good question. You guys can just say that we're throwing a party and they're invited." Sphinx said.
The twins nodded. As did Peaches.
"When do we set the actual thing up?" Diego asked.
"I'll let you guys know. Our main priority now is trying to get them to go to the 'party'." Sphinx said.
Everyone nodded.
"Everyone's dismissed." Sphinx said.
Everyone then left.
*Time Skip*
Sphinx and the others (Minus Peaches, Crash, Eddie, Buck and you), were setting up the date.
It was nothing fancy. Just a small wooden table, 2 leaves as the seats, and a leaf on the table.
*Meanwhile with You*
"So, (Name), there's this party that Sphinx is throwing and she said that you're invited." Peaches said.
"Sure. I'll go." You said.

'Perfect.' Peaches thought.

*Meanwhile With Crash & Eddie*
Crash and Eddie were working on invitations for Buck.
Of course, they had arguments and mini cat fights from here to there since they are brothers after all.
"So what do you think about this?
'You have been invited to a party thrown by Sphinx. You must attend. No other choice.'" Crash read.
Eddie thought about it and shook his head no.
"Too demanding. I have something even better!" Eddie said and began writing.
"Well hurry up bro we don't have all day." Crash said, getting impatient.

Eddie then finished writing and read it, " 'You are courtally (Mini A/N: I believe I spelled that wrong ><.) invited to a party thrown by Sphinx. All are welcome! Including you.' " He finished and looked at his brother.
Crash shook his head no. "Too fancy." He said.
"Ugh! Come on bro!" Eddie complained.
Just as the two were about to get into another cat fight, Sphinx was passing by.
"Let's have Sphinx be the judge on who's invitation is better." Crash said.
"Sphinx!" The twins called out to her in unison.

Sphinx's ears perked up at the sound of their voices.
She then went up towards them.
"Anything the matter you two?" She asked, looking at the twins.
"We want to know whos invitation is better." Eddie said.
They then showed Sphinx their invitations.
Sphinx read both of them and thought for a bit.
"I'm being 100% honest here. I'll have to go with Eddie's. His is less demanding. Plus we need Buck to think that others are coming when it's just him and (Name)." Sphinx said.
"Haha. Told you bro." Eddie said, taunting his brother. Crash rolled his eyes.
"Now. What I need for you two to do next is to give that invitation to Buck. But don't let him see you. We need to invite him anonymously." Sphinx said.
The twins nodded and went to find Buck.
*Meanwhile with Buck*
Buck was laying down by the river, his knife laying next to him.
"I just don't get it. Being in love. How am I supposed to feel? How am I supposed to act? I mean. I've lived alone for a majority of my life just exploring the world like I've always wanted to do. And now here I am. Pondering about love." Buck said to no one in particular but himself. That's just Buck being Buck.
He then decided to stand up. He did so and grabbed his knife and took it with him. He decided to take a walk.
As he was walking, he heard a tree branch shake from above him.
He stopped in his tracks and looked around for anyone with his knife in hand.
He then noticed a leaf falling. It wasn't an ordinary leaf. It had fancy writing on it.
Buck read it out loud to himself.
" 'You are courtaly (Still don't know if I spelt that right ><) invited to a party thrown by Sphinx. All are welcome. Including you.'" He finished.
He then looked around fo anyone once again and shrugged.
"Beats being alone all day." Buck said and headed back towards the resting sight.

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