The Look Ruins Everything

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It was a quiet class for only the second week of school. The weather is still a bit hot but slowly is progressing into fall. Everyone in class is diligently working. They are in grade 11 now, there was no room to joke around with studies anymore.
He glanced at her from across the room, to find she was already staring. Then something changed in her expression and her eyes widened. She quickly turned bright red and returned back to reading her book which in her fluster was held upside down.
He chuckled are her, amused by her reaction. Then suddenly she slammed down the book and stood up. She came stomping over, he was surprised by this. She obviously looked embarrassed because her cheeks were still flushed and she had her eyebrows at an unusual arch.
"Grr are you messing with me?" She said angrily.
He smirked and said "You were looking at me first, I was only returning the favor."
The girl looked perplexed by this and was tongue-tied. Then suddenly she slammed her hand on the table that it actually shook. The boy quickly dodged and was surprised by her sudden movement.
"Whatever don't look at me again you perv!" She said as if talking down to a peasant. "Alright won't happened again your majesty." He said trying to anger her once again.
This time she simply huffed her chest and returned to her seat still annoyed.

She glanced at him one more time and saw he wasn't looking anymore. Then she thought to herself 'whatever it doesn't matter! As look as he doesn't look at me anymore! Hmph yes yes! That it' she continued to re-affirm to herself as she denied her attraction.
Then the teacher had just walked back into the room and noticed the girl nodding her hand oddly.
"And what might you be doing miss?" her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the teacher's question. She scrambled for an excuse when suddenly a boy's voice shot up into the silenced air.
"She has a disorder ma'am when she's freaked out she will uncontrollably nod and agree to nobody until somebody calls her out of it." She looked in the direction of the voice, it was the boy. He gave her a side glance and smirked. She was so pissed off at that moment that she stood from the chair and had arose so with the full intent of releasing the foulest of words in the known in the English language.
"You..!" She begun to say but then cut herself off, at least it was a valid explanation that seemed to explain her silly behavior. So she reeled herself back in and said
"Yes teacher is a minor disorder nothing to worry about" then putting on her fakest and brightest smile,
"I am quite flushed in here so may I be excused to go to the restroom to cool down?" The teacher nodded and she quickly hurried herself out of the classroom, taking one more glanced at the boy as she left. He was staring at her the entire time, smiling like the devil.
She gave him a glare and mouthed the words, "f*ck off." Pushing the doors that connected into a larger hallway she sped for the exit.

She planned on skipping the rest of this class, no point in staying there if all that's going happen is people whispering behind her back and laughing quietly especially that boy.For the split second she thought he was hot. Serves her right for thinking that one boy would be different. All of them were ignorant fools, she had heard enough breakup stories from her friends to know that all boys will do is break you heart. So she must not let anyone in her heart, even if that means acting cold towards all boys.
She had made it through 17 years of her life without incidents. She doesn't need any guy now getting in her system and making her feel embarrassed or flustered.
'That's right I won't let any guy have their way with me, I stand above this stupid highschool dating drama' She started reaffirming to herself again. Then behind her emerged a voice.
"Do you always do that? Do you actually have a disorder? Haha if so I'm sorry if I made fun in the first place." She suddenly became self aware that she was nodding to herself. Again. She quickly turned back to yell at him when she ran into a chest. His chest. 'Oh no' she thought to herself. Then quickly stumbled back and slipped.
She closed her eyes waiting for the impact but then noticed a strong arm gripping her. His arm. She looked up at him, and was met with a face of concern. She was absolutely flabbergasted.
Never in her 17 years has a boy laid any hands on her. Never has she ever been flustered. Never did she have a hard time looking a boy in the face and rejecting him. Why was he different?
'No he wasn't different, he won't be' She reemerged with a new fire ignited within. "I don't need your help! When I do I'll ask for it!" She said angrily almost challengingly. "Oh really?" He said and then he let go. She fell to the ground and her bottom half exploded with pain. Then she looked at the boy and gave him the dead eye glare. Then standing up she exploding into the most foulest expletives she could think of. While the boy the stood there taking it all in as if he was listening to the radio.
He leaded back on a wall and when she was done, he said "You finished?" He gave her a questioning look and when she was about to respond he said
"Good, finally now can we go?" Pushing himself off the wall. She looked at him quizzically, forgetting her distaste towards him for a moment.
"Where are we going?" She said curiously which then she quickly changes to disinterested and annoyance,
"Why the hell would I go anywhere with you?" The boy sighs and then gives her a tired look. "What?" She says defensively. Just when the boy was about to talk his facial expression changes into fear.
"Wha-" she was abruptly cut off by the boy who now has grabbed her hand and is pulling her with him.
"Run a teacher!" Fear struck her heart as well and she began running.
"I'll run but let go of me." She says still sounding somehow annoyed even though the boy has now saved her not twice, but thrice!

The boy was surprised she had followed him so easily. She wasn't as much as the idiot he thought her to be. Then he face palmed himself mentally 'of course she's going to run otherwise huge trouble' scoffing at how stupid his thinking could be. Although she doesn't need to run in this same direction as him. The boy figured this must mean she is starting to warm up to him. His memory flashes back to when she looked at him when she bumped into him. He has to control himself from laughing uncontrollably. Her face was bright red and so surprised.
She pulled her hand away and started running alongside him. 'Of course' he thought to himself amused by her actions. While running the girl notices that he is looking at her. Then when she was about to say something he softy smiles then looks away. At that moment she felt something in her organs move. 'I better not be getting sick or something because of this fool,' She thought to herself as they approached the exit. Together they pushed the door.

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