Skipping class. That's it.

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They drove into a nearby forest and stopped there.
"Alright now that we've escaped the teacher, took a joyride of horribleness and skipped class what are we supposed to do now?" The girl asked annoyed. It seemed she is always irritated.
"Maybe we should introduce ourselves?" The boy suggested.
The girl gave him a look. The boy shrugged and said, "just a suggestion, besides I'd like to know who I'm skipping class with."
The girl gave him a scan from head to toe as if analyzing him. After a moment she said, "Fine, I'm Harper."
She fixed her ginger hair, that the ride had messed up and, check around her clothes to make sure she looked ok.
Her green eyes shot up, "What about you? What's your name?" She asked.
The boy leaned against a nearby tree. 'He sure does love leaning on things' the girl thought to herself.
With a nonchalant voice, he said "I'm Ace."
It was quiet for a moment.
Then Harper spoke up, authoritatively, "so why the hell did you make a fool of me in front of everyone and then proceed to follow afterwards, then for some reason skip class with me?"
Ace thought about it for a second, I mean to be honest I was worried I made her cry, but should I tell her that? He considered it for a second then decided to play it out the jerk way. "I'm interested in you." He decided on, and gave her one of his killer smiles.
It's the half truth, I am interested he reaffirmed to himself.
Harper jumped back and blocked her chest.
"Interested in what way you pervert?" Then she realized. I'm in a forest, with nobody around, with no way to get away from him, oh god I'm an idiot she thought to herself.
She started backing away. "Y-you better not try anything you got that?" She tried to say threateningly and failed.
He pushed himself off the tree and then he clutched his stomach, and half bent over. Harper forgot her fear for a second, and let her worried for him having a heart attack.
"Hey you ok? Are you having a heart attack?" She asked cautiously, and approached him.
Then he suddenly straighten himself and then she realized Ace was laughing. At her.
"Ahahaha...oh god, your funny." Ace said, out of breath now. After having finished his laughing, he ran his hands through his blonde hair.
"Don't worry your majesty, I won't attack you." He said with a sly smile.
"Hmph, well whatever, anyways stop calling me 'majesty' I'm Harper." She said more irritated then ever. I still don't know if I can trust this guy but right now I guess for now it's ok she thought to herself.
"Well that won't do," he said stepping forward "I need a nickname for you."
Harper sighed and rolled her eyes, "you don't need a nick-" she was cut off by Ace.
"I got it. Har." He said pointing a finger.
She slapped his finger away, "That's the most ridiculous nickname I've ever heard." She said.
Harper started walking towards the motorcycle.
"Hmm, ok then instead of shorting your name what about princess?" He asked, following along.
Harper blushed and defensively said, "Definitely not!"
"Alright ok, what about Bitch?" He said in a Humored voice.
Harper spun around punched him in the arm and said, "What about I called you Jackass Prince?"
He looked down at her with his piercing blue eyes, "So now it's Prince?"
Harper blushed, and spun around again to the direction of the motorcycle.
"Whatever! Let's just go back to school." She said with a raised voice.
Ace sped up to match Harper's strides. She looked up at him quizzically, and he meet her glaze. He smiled in a less them settling way, and said "I have a better idea."

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