Ace's Misson

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Ace was stunned, he hadn't known Harper to actually be threatening. Zac just slammed the locker one more time and walked off embarrassed and hurt. Ace was wondering if Harper's ever had a boyfriend. Considering her attitude towards man. He wanted to investigate. Maybe he'd skip the call for action to the janitor's closest for today. Through out the next class he absentmindedly paid attention and recorded it for later. Ace wanted to ask her friend about Harper. The best way to do that is to have lunch with them. Ace did have a home made lunch and didn't have enough money for the cafeteria. Will they find out if I bring this for lunch? Ace pondered. Then brushed off the thought. He will just make a joke. The girl that was sitting beside Ace was clinging to his arm. Making it hard to write notes. Just another one of his girls.
"Could you let you? Your making it hard to write notes, and your job is only to make one thing hard." Ace said sadistically.
Apparently this girl liked to be talked down on. So she turned bright red and let go. Ace sighed as per usual. The only girl that actually is resisting Ace's charm is Harper. He knows that he set the 'no falling for each other rule' but he couldn't help it but tease and flirt. Although all Ace's flirting attempts have not worked as well as he hoped. Which does actually bother him. She's so hard to break Ace thought frustrated. Class ended quicker then he thought it would. Ace sped for Harper's class. When he spotted her in the wave of people. He was so glad he was tall. She seemed to be laughing with a friend. Bingo Ace thought.

Ace coolly swooped in and walked alongside Harper.
"Hello there ladies." Ace said.
Harper turned to see Ace. She looked actually surprised until she saw his face.
"Oh it's just the perveted demon." Harper said flatly. Ace smirked at her response.
"Don't you mean your prince in shining armor?" Ace shot back.
Harper glared at him. Ace glanced at Harper's friend who was silent this whole time. She seemed to be very pleased with there conversation.
"Omg your the new guy right? Your Ace right? Harper's told me a lot about you! Also I'm Abby! Hi!" She exclaimed. She seems to be the hyper one Ace thought.
Ace looked at Harper, with a victorious smirk. "So you talk about me a lot."
Harper crossed her arms and elbowed Abby hard.
Abby pretended to act a hurt by that and said, "Sorry let me correct my wording I meant she complained a lot about you."
"Well either way she mentions me a lot so that means I'm on her mind a lot right?" Ace said innocently.
"Why you big assho-" Harper started to say accusatory tone, pointing her finger when Ace cut her off.
"Oh hey the cafeteria, by the way you guys won't mind if I sat with you." Ace said very amused.
"GRRR, absolutely not get lost pervet!"
"Oh sure we would love to have you!!" Harper and Abby exclaimed at the same time.
Harper and Abby had some silent conversation that included a lot of glaring, eyebrow raising and puppy dog eyes that Ace couldn't follow with.
Harper, seemingly defeated said reluctantly, "Fine, you can have lunch with us."
Ace was about to say something when Harper cut HIM off. "I need to buy lunch, you guys can chat up a storm while I'm gone."
She looked over her shoulder and smirked at Ace while walking off. What she didn't know that she made his job a hell of a lot easier. Once they sat down in one of the cafeteria tables offered Ace wasted no time.
"So what's Harper's deal with guys?" Ace asked Abby.
Abby seemed unsurprised by his question and proceeded to answer it.
"Well Harper doesn't really believe in love or whatever that crap, because many of her friends including me have had really bad breakups. So she is sort of afraid of relationships and that whatnot in high school. She wants to get by without any incidents. She has succeeded so far but that all changed when she had that little skiparoo with you. Now she's consistently pissed off and annoyed by your very existence. So that pretty much wraps it up!" Abby ended off cheerfully.
Ace blinked, he felt a huge information overload. "So she just basically wants no contact with guys whatsoever?" Ace asked.
Abby nodded her head. She looked at Harper buying her food.
"You could say she's afraid of it, and she wants it to be perfect. Although it never like that." She turned back to Ace. "She needs to learn that a mistake or two isn't bad." Abby grinned.
Ace grinned back. Now he had an idea of any she never liked him and he thought his charm was falling him.
"Well this has been fun but I gotta go, chat later, and tell Harper. Bye!" Ace stood and walked away. She'll be more of a challenge then Ace thought and grinned to himself mischievously. Oh this will be fun.

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