You Shouldn't Assume Anything

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After class was over, Harper was so very tired and done for the day. Because Harper and Ace were chained together as lab partners that means they had to sit together as well. The whole time Ace sent glances and smirks that made Harper want to kill him.
Not only that the damn bastard had the audacity to kick me when I told him to stop sending me weird looks! Of course I mean I did kick first Harper thought. That had of course got the teacher's attention and she called them out on it.
To top off Harper's worsening day she had found out this morning she didn't have a ride. The walk to the school from her house was a rather long walk so she usually had one of her parents to drive her or Abby since she had a car. Although this certain day Abby was sick and couldn't drive, as well as her parents were off for early business. So she had to run to school. Not only that but half way through it started pouring hard.
That was why she was late, and soaked. Damn rain, you only just decided to rain when I was walking to school huh? Harper thought annoyed by all of this. Just as Harper was walking out of the class with a heavy sigh, she noticed Ace walking beside her.
"What do you want you bastard? I have no time for your stupid antics today." Harper said sharply.
"Wow nice way to start of a conversation, Sadly today no antics will be done today no I'm here to tell you not to fall for me." Ace said with a serious tone.
This time it was Harper's turn to laugh uncontrollably.
" if I'd fall for you." Harper's voice turned harsh.
"Good I was worried, and I won't try to charm you although it will be an effort since I'm already so naturally charming." Ace said with full confidence and a 'charming' smile.
"Charming my ass, anyways how long do you intend on following me?" Harper stopped in her tracks.
"Oh right one more order of business, your phone number give it to me." Ace said.
"Why the hell would I give my phone number to you? Hey if your planning to make me a booty ca-" Harper was cut off by Ace.
"No, I need a way to text you in case of labs we have to do together, obviously."
Harper's chest sank there for a bit then she regained her senses. There he goes again messing me up in the organs Harper thought pissed off and a bit embarrassed. She pulled out her phone and pushed it in Ace's direction. "There just put your info in quick you idiot, and don't look at anything else! This is just for biology ok? Don't you dare contact me for anything else!" Harper said, as if ordering a royal guard a specific demand.
"Alright alright, don't get your panties in a twist, your majesty." Ace said nonchalant.
"Why you-" Harper was just about to explode, when Ace took her hand.
Harper immediately blushed and said, "W-what are y-you-" Then Ace put her phone in her hand.
"Here you go, see you around." Ace said and smirked. Then walked away. Harper was stunned in place. Then she proceeded to go to the girl's washroom and yell about it to a random victim.
"Never never in my 17 years of living on this earth had a boy annoyed me this much! I want to punch his face in destroy that stupid smirk of his and then proceed to kill him!" Harper finished off then noticed that girl left the restroom halfway though her rant.
It was lunchtime and Harper usually ate lunch with Abby, Harper had other friends but they were mainly fake friends. She didn't want to have to put up with that so she decided to walk to Abby's house and eat lunch there. The walk to Abby's house wasn't far so Harper could make it back in time.
Harper and Abby were already good enough friends that walking in her house didn't mean anything anymore. It was as if a family member was walking in. So Harper walked in and made her way to the living room. Harper figured Abby was watching Tv or something.
"Hey you sick old bag." Harper said casually while plopping down onto the couch.
"Hey Harper, sorry couldn't pick you up today it was so sudden that I got sick." Abby said apologetically.
"Ah don't worry not like I had to run thought the rain to school or anything." Harper said in a joking manner.
"You passive-aggressive beachball, anyways you usually are too lazy to come to my house when sick so what's up?" Abby said.
"Well I had to pair up with Ace as my lab partner is what happened." Harper said irritated already.
"What?! Really?!" Abby said all the sudden excited.
"Yeah now pity me!" Harper said dramatically.
"Uh, less like pity you more like worship you got paired with one of the hottest guys at school, and not only that this your second incidental encounter! That means it must be written in the stars." Abby ended off.
"Have you been reading astrology sites again? I told you that stuff was bull you know. Anyways not only that when he followed me out of class that fool had the audacity to touch my hand so that he could hand my back my phone!" Harper said defensively and blushing a bit at the memory. Abby of course noticed her blush and said,
"You shouldn't assume anything right away!" Abby said.
"Whatever it was still misleading! I thought he was about to kiss my hand or something just like a pervet would do!" Harper said raising her voice.
Harper you really don't realize that with your assumptions you tell everyone what you actually wish to happen Abby thought and sighed a little.
"Anyways lets just watch some tv already." Harper said changing the subject.
"Will do!" Abby said and they both turned back to the program that was on.

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