Skipping Class for a Joyride

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They pushed the door together and the sun's light hit them. The boy pointed to his motorcycle and the girl scoffed.
"What makes you think I want to go on a joyride with you?"
The boy groaned and replied with "Well I figured you didn't want to be caught by the teacher, or unless I was wrong and you really do want to get into trouble." The girl started to say something but paused and growled.
She grumbled out quietly "Fine," then presumed the pose of the all high and mighty "but only because I don't want to get caught, not cause I want to be with you."
The boy smirked and bowed to point the in the direction of the motorcycle. "Your carriage awaits your majesty."
"Tch stop being an idiot, let's get going." She said annoyed but genuinely in a hurry.
The motorcycle was parked in the nearest lot. The boy had a feeling he'd have to make a quick getaway today and he was correct. The girl got onto the motorcycle and she went in the front.
"Uh, what do you think your doing?" The boy asked not joking anymore.
"What does it look like?" The girl asked with false innocent "Oh you thought-" she laughed "you thought you were going to drive?"
The boy angry now replied with, "well of course I thought I was going to drive considering it's my motorcycle."
The girl shot back with, "not your motorcycle no more, hey you were the one that said we had to make a quick escape. So, do you want to keep arguing about this or are you going to just let me drive?" The boy grumbled but, reluctantly got onto the back of the motorcycle.
"Do you even know how to drive a motorcycle?" The boy asked.
"Uh, same thing as a car right?" She said hesitantly.
"Oh god, your going to get us killed." The boy said while facepalming.
"Whatever! I'll figure it out as I go!" And she stepped on the pedal.
Zooming faster then each of them expected, the boy quickly held onto the girl hoping he wasn't going to get into a serious accident. The girl barely had control of the vehicle but was somehow, enjoying this. Until they had to turn to exit the school parking lot.
"Ah, uh what do I do to turn?!" The girl said panicked.
The boy was furious and was angry with himself that he let this girl drive his motorcycle. So he took action and took handles of the bike invading the girl's personal space and almost pulling her into an embrace to turn the motorcycle. It was a sharp turn which almost made both of them fly off the bike.
"This is why I should be driving." The boy said into the girl's ear with a low voice.
The girl was silent as they stopped the motorcycle and switched seats.
"Put your arms around me." The boy instructed.
"What?! Excuse me? I would never put my arms around the likes of you!" The girl exclaimed.
"I'll just hold onto the motorcycle seat, thank you very much!" The girl proclaimed.
Just how difficult can she get? The boy thought to himself.
With a sigh he said, "suit yourself, if you'd rather fall off the motor and die, don't say I didn't warn you." With that he started up the motor and then they were off. The girl immediately clung to the boy's neck, choking him.
"You idiot put you arms around my chest not my neck!" He said with difficultly. The girl surprisingly obeyed and put her arms around his chest.
"Just because I put my arms around you chest, doesn't mean I like you ok?! Just don't want to get into an accident." The girl's voice shouted over the wind. The boy laughed and said "whatever you say, Your Majesty." Ending off that sentence he felt a little punch to his back, and he laughed even harder.

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