Zac The Brat

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Luckily Harper's mom was working late so there was no embarrassing meeting. That was good for Harper because Ace consistently flirted. She wasn't sure if he does it knowingly or not. Either way it bother her, a lot to the point she almost called the police. When they were done arguing with each other they actually managed to finish the lab report. Then she kicked him out of her house. Literally. He said it was too dark now and he has to say over. Then suggested cuddling and Harper was done. She dragged him by his shirt and pushed him out of the door.
"Don't you dare knock again! Go home you pervert!" Harper had said that night. Right now it was the end of biology class. Harper and Ace handed in their lab, proud of their work. The bell rang and Harper sprang out of her seat. She was glad it was over she hates this class, especially the teacher.
"So I'm pretty sure we will get an A on that lab because of my charm and good looks." Ace said breezily. Also because Ace was in this class.
"My god your arrogant and a pervert, how do you survive without having girls consistently wanting to punch your face?" Harper shot him down.
"Well I guess my charm makes them fall for me before they get the chance." Ace said smoothly.
"What charm? All you do is consistently invade a girls personal space and whisper dirty things." Harper said glaring. She had somewhat gotten used to Ace's attitude but it still pisses her off. Harper lifted her bag and slung it over her shoulder then started walking to her next class. Ace followed her out.
"Aw come on you hurt me." Ace says acting hurt.
"As if your able to feel emotions." Harper said nonchalant.
"Touchè." Ace said.
"Anyways why are you following me out of class again?! I'm pretty sure all we were assigned is individual homework!" Harper yelled at Ace.
"Oh well you see there's only one exit, and there's only one way to the cafeteria and my next class." Ace said innocently.
"Doesn't mean you have to bother me." Harper said scowling.
"We're just conversing, and stop glaring you'll scare all the children." Ace said amused.
"I only see one child here and that's you." Harper said and smiled because that was regulation burn.
Ace smiled back and said, "careful your demon teeth are showing." Then he walked away. Harper wanted to say something back but he was already too far ahead and she didn't want to be caught chasing after him. And not in the figurative way. Harper spotted her next class and her locker. She quickly gather her books and put them in her bag. As she closed her locker a familiar but not pleasant face showed up.
"Harper, hi how are you?" Zac said. Zac was an annoying brat who always picked fights with Harper. Back then Harper would be sent to the office for hurting his feels so bad he decided to fight back. In physical. All those years from elementary leading up to high school, Zac's been a nuisance. Puberty recently just hit him and he grew taller, little less childish more adult. As Harper sees it he will always be a small child. Zac towered over Harper now and was a little too close for comfort.
"Get out of my way I have to go to class." Harper said looking right through him.
"I'll let you go if you listen to what I have to say." Zac said.
As if he could waste more of her time. "Fine make it fast." Harper agreed.
"So I know we've known each other a long time so I was wondering if you'd wanna go out," Zac rubbed the back of his neck "you know with me." He finished off.
Harper was stunned for a second before bursting out laughing. "Sure sure that's a funny joke alright thanks for the laugh Zac I gotta get to class now." Zac turned red for embarrassment and then slammed the lockers behind Harper. Stepping closer in a little too close for comfort. "Fine if you don't want to date now, I'll make you want to date me I'll make you beg for it." Zac said with an evil glint in his eyes. Just as Harper began to say something she was cut off.
"Hey if your going to threaten a girl really advise against doing it in public." Harper turned her head to see Ace. Harper pushed Zac away for her and stood there shaking with rage for a second. In a deadly soft tone Harper said, "First off you bastards make me late for class, then you" Harper pointed her finger at Zac, "Threaten me so that I could date you, and you ," Harper point her finger at Ace "you think you have the right to defend me so I could be more in debt to you?"
Ace was about to say something when Harper raised up her hand to silence him.
"Zac threaten me again and I will sue you for sexual harassment it wouldn't be hard" Harper said with a smile "do a bit of fake crying, talk about my story, gather the evidence and when I win and get every penny you have I'll go buy myself a new mascara set from Sephora." Harper glared at Ace one more time and then walked to her class. At least not late for class Harper thought in relief.

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