Chained as Lab Partners

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Ace hadn't had any more encounters with that strange Harper.
Less strange more like pissed off Ace thought back on. Then chuckled to himself. Either it was still entertaining he thought to himself. His next class was biology, which he didn't particularly enjoy but didn't dislike. This was the same class he met Harper in. The teacher has mentioned about being assigned lab partners today. Ace glared and walked into the classroom.
I just hope I don't end up with her she seems like the type that would nag at you for everything Ace thought darkly. He took his seat and took out his books. Ace glanced at the seat where Harper sat at. She wasn't there.
Hm I wonder if she's not coming today? Ace thought curious better for me anyways I have an even lower chance of pairing with her. The final bell rang and everyone took their seats.
The teacher took attendance as usual and Harper didn't arrive.
I guess she really isn't coming today, Ace thought to himself.
After having completed attendance the teacher got everyone's attention by saying,
"Alright everyone, now I'll be assigning lab partners and yes I'll be choosing."
Nobody seemed surprised this teacher was a bit of a hardass.
"Ok so I have all your names in this bowl I'll just choose randomly ok? These lab partners will be your partners for the rest of the semester." After her brief explanation she started picking names. Some girls started whispering loud enough so Ace could heard. "Omg what if one of us ends up with Ace?" One girl said.
Then other girl replied with, "it could be once in a life time opportunity to make a hot guy fall for you then."
Then they started giggling and saying things too low for Ace to hear. And they think the guys are the perverts Ace thought. Ace likes to keep his playboy actions apart from his school work. He needs to get into a good university, so he makes it a rule to never play around with the girls he gets paired up with. No what in what subject. He keeps that a golden rule he never breaks. Those two girls in front of him had gotten paired up with each other and seemed much happier that way. Ace noticed everyone getting paired his name wasn't called yet.
Just then, the door flung open. There stood soaking wet, very angry Harper.
"What is this entrance Harper? And late to class? Please meet me after class to talk, now take your seat and don't cause more disruption." The teacher said, strictly. Harper apologized in a very small voice and quiet voice and went to her seat.
"Alright everyone has been called except Ace so you'll have to pair up with Miss Harper." The teacher's voice rang. Ace was just about to object when he hurried a loud sound behind him. It came from Harper, who was now up standing, hands on the table, wearing the most priceless face.
"This is not fair! Are you sure we can't end up with different people?" Harper said, trying to keep her voice controlled.
"Well you'd remember that next time you walk into my class late." The teacher sassed off Harper. Then Harper become very self conscious and sat down quietly without further objection. Well that's too bad it would have been fun to play around with her Ace thought and sent a apologetic smile. Then Harper sent a glare that could send an army running, and she put up her middle finger in the most discreet way. Ace sent one back, just returning the favor. Then returned to the front to pay attention to the lesson.

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