Zac's Invite

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Harper finished off the day with a tired sigh. She spotted Abby in the middle of a sea of students. Harper mad dashed to save her friend from getting completely drowned. Swiftly dodging the students left and right. After years of learning in this school she had learned to get her way around. As Harper got to Abby's location, she wordlessly linked her arm with Abby's and dragged her out.

They fell out of the crowd and Abby was the first to speak. "Woo, such a big crowd, thanks for saving moi!" Abby says with her usual cheerful tone. Harper put on her best prince charming face, and with a thumbs up said "Don't worry about it, couldn't leave a damsel in distress."
A voice emerged from behind. "So, do you have a habit of falling on the ground, is that a hobby?" Harper got up and it took all her might to not just throw a fit. "I don't have a damn habit of falling, just certain circumstances!" Harper said annoyed.
"Hmm sure, blame it on the circumstances. It's always a coincidence!" Ace said sarcastically.
"But situations like that allow for me to always save you." Ace coolly said, when Harper was about to retort. Harper had a perfect comeback for his insult be he turned it into a cheesy line. Which seemed to be working since Harper's rational thinking went out of the box. She blushed, and scrambled her brain for a response.
The result of that: "I hate you." Ace took her hand and kissed it, "Same." Is what he said after he had lifted his head.
Harper pulled away her hand, getting ready for a smack down when Abby interrupted. "You know what really is a coincidence? How you guys, always bump into each other! It's like fate, no?" Harper gave a glare that could send the black plague running, while Ace non-chalantly said
"I know, it is like fate." Harper looked over at Ace and then at Abby once again then, just decided to walk away.
"I'm done, with you guys." When she tried to walk past Ace, she slammed into something hard. "Ow, goddamnit, what--" when she looked up she saw Zac. Harper immediately went on the defensive.
"What do you want Zac? If I remember earlier I think I made it clear I didn't want you near me." "Listen I just wanted to apologize, I really am sorry."
Zac said sincerely. "I wanted to make it up to you, i'm having a party this weekend. Why don't you come and have a little fun?" Zac said a excitement showing through.
"I'm sorry you want me to come to a party---" Abby smoothy came in between Zac and Harper cutting her off.
"Sure we'd love to come! See you this weekend!" Zac looked relieved as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders.
"Great come around Friday, 7ish. It's going to be great." Zac look directly at Harper and smiles, "See you then."
Ace stayed quiet through the entire thing, because he couldn't go his shift at the Dominos was then. Although he wondered if Harper was actually going to be safe there. Last time he had seen Harper and Zac alone it seemed a little intense.
"Anyways I have to go Abby," Then took a little bow at Harper
"My queen." And smirked a bit. Harper turned away her face to hide her red face,
"Y-yeah yeah get lost already." She said annoyed. Ace took off and Harper started her long journey back home. Harper wondered what would happen at the party, she didn't have a very good feeling about it. I'll just steer clear of being alone with Zac, Harper thought to herself and didn't think about it much anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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