Idile Discussion

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Harper returned to see only her best friend Abby seated at the table they decided on. She couldn't say she wasn't relieved. Something about Ace always bothered her. She didn't know if it was dislike or pure hatred. He always flirted, teased and bothered her. On top of that he acts oh so innocent. She slammed her food onto the table and proceeded to aggressively sit down.
"Whoa, sheesh Harper, Ace really has got your panties in a twist!" Abby said putting her hands up in the air.
Harper took a second to recollect her calm nerves. As if she had any calm ones in the first place. Great even my own subconscious is sounding like Ace Harper thought.
"Hmph, as if! I'm glad he's gone, bet you he is going to bang a girl in a janitors closet like is this some cliche high school movie!" Harper finish off irritated as ever.
"Ooooooh somebody's jealous!" Abby said with an evil grin.
Harper almost choked on her food and cough it out.
"J-jealous?" Harper said blushing, then quickly covered it up "Wooooow Abby seriously you have been watching way to many movies. Anyways why are we always talking about that playboy bastard? we should talk about some more refined gentlemen."
Harper hoped that would change the subject. Abby was finally getting some action from Harper's love life. So all she had wanted to talk about was Harper and Ace. Even coming up with elaborate ship names like, 'Harce or Acper'. Whenever Harper ranted about their meet ups for lab work, Abby always took so much interest. It was apparently very amusing and cute.
"What refined gentlemen? I see none in the vicinity!" Abby said, while scouting the cafeteria.
Harper laugh and said, "no you know what I mean how is it in your love life? Got any boys--sorry I meant targets you have your eye on?"
"Well there is this one guy in my English class.." Abby said shyly.
"Oh stop with the bashfulness more details!" Harper said.
"I talked to him a couple of times, his name is Kai he kinda gave of an intimidating aura at first but then I realized he was just shy and I asked him to pair up a couple times." Abby finished off.
"Hmph is he at least nice to you? Before you date him Abby take a really long look at him, ok?" Harper said firmly.
"Oh yeah he's super nice, I think he's a little different from what I usually go, I have a feeling he's a good guy!" Abby said cheerfully.

Harper was skeptical about it but, then she sighed and said, "if you say so, but if he hurts your feelings I'll make sure I'll hurt his face."
"Harper do you just get a kick out of hurting guys?" Abby rolled her eyes.
"Ha of course, all of them arrogant assholes, also it's a way to show that even a girl can fight a guy and win. When I mean fight of course I mean destroy them mentally but the occasional slap or two is fun!" Harper said, in a less then setting way.
"Someday a guy is going to protect you and your going to be glad he was there." Abby shot back.
"You're crazy, anyways just finish your lunch we gotta get to the library and finish off some of our math homework." Harper said eating a little quicker.
"Right." Abby said and also proceeded to finish faster.

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