Food, then were going back.

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Ace and Harper drove into a driveby for Dairy Queen.
"Seriously? Food?" Harper asked annoyed but not unwilling.
"Why not? Might as well get food while we're skipping." Ace said. Damn him and his happy-go-luck attitude Harper thought as she unconsciously glared at him.
"Fine food then we're going back." Harper decided on.
"Alright what should we get? I don't know about you but I'm feeling up to ice cream, wanna get some blizzards?" Ace asked.
"Sure, but I'm paying," Harper said and then clarified "Only because you saved me once from getting caught, I don't want to be in debt."
Harper started reaching for her wallet when Ace stopped her.
"No I'll decide how you pay off your debt." Ace said in a low voice. Harper didn't know why but that had made her blush and she turned away her face.
"Fine, whatever" she said. Ace smirked at her, and turned back to the front to get the order. Afterwards they finished their blizzards they returned back to the school just in time before lunch ends.

Harper met up with some of her friends and Ace disappeared right after they entered the school. Harper was just glad that her little adventure was over. She didn't want to admit but it wasn't all bad. Then she pushed that thought away no no, remember he made you look stupid in front of everyone in class? Harper reaffirmed to herself.
"Hello? Earth to Harper? You there?" A hand waved in Harper's vision.
"Oh sorry Abby, I was just lost in thought so what were you saying about this new guy?" Harper replied to her best friend Abby. She was a little shorter then Harper and had long straight brown hair.
"So apparently there's a new hot guy who just enrolled here, I heard this rumor from a couple of girls in my gym class we were talking in the locker room. One of the girls had apparently dated him but he turned out to be dating other girls while with her, so she dumped him. " Abby informed.
"Wow this guy sounds like a total douche" Harper paused and continued on her rant, "another reason why you should never date people in high school, the guy's maturity level hasn't developed yet so they still act like total idiots and disregard a girl's feelings."
"Totally with you there, I don't remember what she said his name was Alec? Aaron? Axe?"
Harper stopped right in her tracks, "Ace?" She said hoping, praying it isn't who she thinks it's was.
"Yeah! Ace! That's his name!" Abby exclaimed.
"Oh no, this is bad" Harper said. Abby titled her head in confused signally Harper to elaborate more.
"I just skipped class with the new guy." Harper confessed.
"What?!" Abbey exclaimed and continued her bafflement, "How? When? Where?" With that Harper explained the whole adventure with Ace. "Oh my god, I can't believe it! A guy is interested in you! No wait what's more is that you thought a guy was HOT!" Abby exclaimed, "I'm so happy for you I'll be there for you wedding, you better make me best women." She threatened. Harper tried to quiet her down, and said
"Shhh, lower your voice it's not like I like him just thought he was attractive for a split second before finding out he is the same as all other boys." Abby nodded but Harper knew she wasn't listening. "What did he look like? How did he act?" Harper scratched her hair and said, "Well..he had blonde hair, blue eyes and yeah that's about it for how he looks like," Harper paused to think about Ace's personality.
Harper crossed her arms and with distaste she said, "on the other hand his personality is terrible, he constantly teased me, made me look stupid in front of everyone, and he gave off a creepy smile every once in a while as if he was going to rape me or something."
Abby considered what Harper said very carefully.
Then decided, and said "He likes you."
Harper burst out laughing, "likes me? As if, I hate his guts and he hates me."
Abby face palmed at her friend. She so denies it Abby thought to herself as she heard Harper reaffirm to herself that he hates her. Abby put up her hands in defeat, "alright he doesn't like you, I'm sorry I take it back."
Harper snapped sarcastically, "good, you'd have better taken it back, the idea was preposterous!" Abby laughed out loud and just then the bell rang. "Alright time to go back into hell!" She said overcheerfully.
Harper put her hand on Abby's shoulder and said in a super dramatic voice, "I'll see you on the other side."
Then they both laughed out loud and went into class.

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